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A New Look for Cancer and Careers

Kate Sweeney on September 16, 2014

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CAC has a new look and with it comes a powerful message to all working people with cancer…

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How & Why You Should Write a Thank You Letter

Kelsey Fenton on August 26, 2014

posted in Interview, Job Search

Thank you letters are still essential to modern-day interview etiquette. Most employers will appreciate a thank you letter, if not expect one. Learn why thank you letters are especially beneficial for cancer survivors and how to write an impressive thank you letter.

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Brain Exercises to Treat Chemo Brain

Sarah Goodell on August 21, 2014

Did you know that up to 60% of cancer patients undergoing treatment can experience chemo brain at some point? The good news is that more oncologists are recognizing chemo brain and developing treatments and recommending brain exercises to lessen the impact of this side effect.

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Developing Your Personal Brand

Chrissy Brennan on August 18, 2014

As we all know, job-hunting is hard — even in the best of circumstances. So it’s no surprise that when cancer is added to the mix, the process can often seem insurmountable...

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Sports Figures Working (& Playing) Through Cancer

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 11, 2014

Recently, the newswires have displayed an uptick in stories about sports figures working through cancer. The take away? That athletes face the same work-related challenges as patients and survivors with less-public lives.

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Chasing Life...and Work

Kelsey Fenton on August 7, 2014

posted in Young Adults

Chasing Life is a new series on ABCFamily about April Carver, a 24 year-old aspiring journalist, who learns she has Acute Myeloid Leukemia. The show follows her through many of the challenges that cancer patients face, including balancing work and cancer. Here are some highlights of April's work & cancer journey during the show.

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5 Tips for Maintaining Energy & Productivity at Work

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 4, 2014

Fatigue is a common side effect both during and after treatment, and coping with symptoms during working hours can often feel like an uphill battle. However, a little knowledge can go a long way in helping you to manage low-energy and maintain productivity on the job.

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How to Add Accomplishments to Your Resume

Kelsey Fenton on July 31, 2014

posted in Job Search, Resume

One of the most effective ways to improve a resume is to turn a list of duties into a concrete list of accomplishments--and actually show a potential employer how well you made an impact in a role, not just what your role was. Included are tips to help you think of your own accomplishments for your resume!

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The Cancer and Careers Newsfeed has Launched!

Rachel Becker, LMSW on July 28, 2014

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The brand new Cancer and Careers Newsfeed was designed to be your go-to destination for recent news and research on the intersection of work and cancer.

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In the News: Recent Work & Cancer Stories

Chrissy Brennan on July 24, 2014

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We all know that cancer does not discriminate—that it can affect anyone at any age. In fact, one look at the headlines reminds us that even high-profile individuals—from television anchor Robin Roberts to WNBA coach Michael Cooper—are diagnosed with cancer.

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Tips on Finding Meaningful Work

Sarah Goodell on July 21, 2014

What is meaningful work? How do you find it? How do you regain lost meaning in work? There are so many questions on the topic of meaningful work. Idealist Careers has some great articles to help you find the answers to them, and ultimately get on the path to finding work you're passionate about.

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Create a "Done" List to Manage Chemo Brain

Kelsey Fenton on July 17, 2014

posted in Chemo Brain

Whether you’re at the office, conducting a job search, or managing doctor’s appointments and medical bills, it’s hard to fight the effects of chemo brain. Creating a "done" list can help alleviate stress from a long "to-do" list.

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The National Conference on Work & Cancer Turns 4!

Lindsay Mitcher on July 14, 2014

Last month we were thrilled to see exactly how much the National Conference on Work & Cancer has grown in just four short years. Thank you to all who attended and supported this year’s National Conference!

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Resources for Coping with Financial Stress

Kelsey Fenton on July 9, 2014

Last month I wrote a blog about a new tool to encourage discussion between patients and physicians about financial stress. I would like to follow up this week with a few resources to help with coping with the high costs of cancer.

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Increasing Productivity at Work by Simplifying

Sarah Goodell on July 1, 2014

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal looked at how small changes in your work routine can improve productivity. Many of these tips are useful for cancer survivors returning to work, particularly those experiencing chemo brain.

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New Tool Predicts Risk for Financial Stress after Diagnosis

Kelsey Fenton on June 20, 2014

With rising health care costs in the United States, anxiety caused by financial worry is becoming an increasingly significant side effect of cancer. The University of Chicago just announced their new tool to measure a patient’s risk for, and ability to tolerate, financial stress and open the lines of communication between patients and physicians.

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Tips for Writing a Compelling Cover Letter

Chrissy Brennan on June 17, 2014

posted in Job Search

Even more challenging than putting together an impressive resume can be the task of writing a great cover letter – one that is concise, creative and compelling.

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Meet the New Senior Manager of Programs!

Rachel Becker, LMSW on June 6, 2014

posted in Meet the Staff

There’s a saying among those of us who do cancer-related work that surviving and thriving during and after cancer treatment “takes a village.” Cancer and Careers plays a unique and vital role within the cancer support “village” and I couldn't be more excited about joining the dynamic team bringing the mission to life.

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Telecommuting is a Reasonable Accommodation!

Kelsey Fenton on June 4, 2014

Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that telecommuting is a reasonable accommodation for workers who can’t make it to the office. This is great news for cancer patients and survivors who need a more flexible work option!

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Meet the New Associate Director of Programs!

Chrissy Brennan on May 22, 2014

posted in Meet the Staff

Hello! My name is Chrissy Brennan, and I’m thrilled to be joining Cancer and Careers as its new Associate Director of Programs. And what a time to start – just as the countdown begins to Cancer and Careers’ 4th annual National Conference on Work & Cancer.

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