We frequently talk about the benefits of telecommuting jobs for cancer patients and survivors - flexible hours to work around doctor appointments, working from home to help manage side effects, etc. If you're looking for flexible work, here are a few tips for interviewing for a remote job from an Idealist blog:
- Remember that interviews for remote jobs are mostly likely conducted remotely.
- Telephone interviews are not necessarily easier. Speak clearly and with energy to convey the enthusiasm that you would otherwise show through body language.
- Be prepared to answer these remote job specific questions:
- Have you worked remotely before?
- Do you have a home office?
- What are your communication preferences?
- Prepare yourself with remote job specific questions for the interviewer, such as:
- Why is remote work offered at this organization?
- How many employees work remotely?
- How do coworkers communicate with each other?
Bonus tip: Once you've landed the job, be proactive with communicating with your supervisor and colleagues to build a strong relationship.
Read more tips from the Idealist blog here.You can learn more about flexible work during our panel session at our National Conference on Work & Cancer on Friday, June 10! Click here to learn more and to register!