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Roadmapping Your Path to a Happier Work Life

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 13, 2018

Cancer prompts many survivors to explore the idea of changing careers, in the hopes of increasing the degree of happiness in their life. Read on for tips on creating a map to get you there.

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Simple Steps for Assessing Your Skills

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 6, 2018

When job-hunting, many of us tend to underestimate our capabilities. But knowing your skill set and how it can be applied to various positions is critical. Read on for easy ways to assess your career skills.

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Easy Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media — Hiring Managers Are Looking!

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 30, 2018

Maintaining a positive professional online presence is becoming more important, as hiring managers use Internet searches to find out about candidates or confirm something a prospective employee has told them. Here’s how to make sure they see what you want them to see!

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A Look Back at CAC’s 2018 National Conference

Chrissy Brennan on July 23, 2018

This year’s event (like the ones before it) did not disappoint...if we do say so ourselves. It was an exciting day filled with expert speakers delivering vital information for anyone facing the challenges of balancing a diagnosis and employment.

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For Career Success, Use Lessons Learned During Your Cancer Journey

Grace Blumberg, LMSW on July 16, 2018

Cancer patients and survivors know that with a diagnosis and treatment come many lessons. These lessons can be applied effectively when facing career obstacles.

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Exploring Company Culture During Job Interviews

Rachel Becker, LMSW on July 8, 2018

There are many elements go into preparing for a successful job interview, and it's important to remember that an interview is also your opportunity to ask questions that can help you determine if a potential employer's company culture is one in which you're likely to be happy, productive and successful. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

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Emphasizing Your Transferable Skills for a Successful Career Change

Nicole Franklin, MPH on July 2, 2018

By identifying and highlighting your transferable skills (i.e., ones you’ve obtained in previous positions that are applicable to a desired job) on your application, you can grab the attention of hiring managers.

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How to Effectively Explain Resume Gaps

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 26, 2018

Looking for job after a cancer diagnosis has its own unique challenges. A common one relates to resume gaps. We want to make sure you’re prepared. So read on for ways to make gaps less of an obstacle during the job search.

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Understand and Take Control of Online Privacy Settings!

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 19, 2018

Do you really know how your online data is used by the social media giants like Facebook, Google and Microsoft? Get educated and learn how to protect your information online.

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It’s Time for NC 2018!

Chrissy Brennan on June 11, 2018

Our 2018 National Conference is shaping up to be the biggest and best one ever. Here’s what’s in store.

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How to Reframe Your Interview Mindset

Grace Blumberg, LMSW on June 4, 2018

When preparing your interview “story,” it’s important to focus on the positive.

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Your Resume = Your Career Story

Nicole Franklin, MPH on May 21, 2018

A resume is a living document that should tell an engaging story of your career experiences and accomplishments. Find out how.

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Beauty with Benefits: One Night; Lasting Results

Alicia Chin on May 14, 2018

Our annual broadcast touches nearly every service, event and resource CAC offers, which means it has an effect on nearly every person who turns to us for support. This year was no exception.

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What to Do After a Job Loss

Maddy Meislin on May 7, 2018

Being laid off or fired is never easy, particularly if you’re going through cancer. But it doesn’t mean your career has come to an end. The key is knowing how to move forward. These tips can help.

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Pitfalls to Avoid When Making a Career Change

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on April 30, 2018

Many cancer survivors cite their cancer experience as an inspiration for a change in career direction. With the right preparation and perspective it can be a great positive change. Being sure to avoid common pitfalls is the first step to a successful transition to a new field or position.

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How to Use Social Media to Get Your Next Job

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on April 23, 2018

It’s important to understand the ways in which using social media can benefit you when you’re looking for a new job. Here are some best practices for using it in a professional capacity.

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Whether or Not You Get a Job Offer Can Depend on How You Submit Your Resume

Grace Blumberg, LMSW on April 14, 2018

When you submit your resume online, it often feels like you’re sending it into the abyss. Find out how to avoid that — and get a job offer instead.

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A Successful Midwest Conference — Five Years Running!

Nicole Franklin, MPH on April 9, 2018

We’re still basking in the afterglow of our fifth annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer! It was a terrific day, filled with in-depth learning and discussion on critical topics, plus valuable professional and personal connections.

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How to Ready Yourself for a Return to Work

Chrissy Brennan on April 2, 2018

Preparing for re-entry into the work world after a hiatus is important for anyone. If you’re a cancer survivor, it may involve taking some additional things into consideration.

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Qualifications Are Important, But Enthusiasm Is Key

Maddy Meislin on March 26, 2018

Being super excited about a job is almost as important as being qualified. Learn tips for demonstrating your enthusiasm throughout the hiring process.

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