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Feeling Overloaded on the Job? Let Your Boss Know.

Grace Blumberg, LMSW on October 23, 2017

Having too much work can be overwhelming and can impact your job performance, especially if you’re working through treatment or easing back into the workplace. These tips can help guide a productive conversation with your boss about your workload.

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Stressed Out at Work? Asking Yourself a Few Questions Can Help.

Maddy Meislin on October 16, 2017

According to The Job Network, the best way to manage on-the-job stress is to confront it head-on by asking yourself a series of questions. Read on to find out what they are...

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Program Spotlight: Professional Development Micro-Grants

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on October 9, 2017

Professional development is an important aspect of career advancement for any working person, but for those with a cancer diagnosis, it can be a way to get back into the swing of the workplace and improve skills that may need a little fine-tuning after dealing with a diagnosis and treatment.

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An Excuse to Shop (and Support)

Alicia Chin on October 2, 2017

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer and Careers offers a great way to support others while splurging on yourself! Find out how shopping online for your favorite products can benefit working people with cancer.

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5 New Changes to LinkedIn That Can Help You Land a Job

Nicole Franklin, MPH on September 25, 2017

LinkedIn is considered an essential platform for anyone looking to do some professional networking. According to Forbes, some recent updates to the site are not only improving the user experience, but are also helping to make the job-hunt easier.

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How to Learn New Skills — Quickly!

Grace Blumberg, LMSW on September 18, 2017

Every professional must develop new skills in order to continue growing — either in their current position or into a new one. We highlight tips from The Muse on fast ways to learn skills that will keep you moving forward.

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Preparing to Interview for a Part-time Job

Maddy Meislin on September 11, 2017

Like any job, part-time positions often require at least one interview. But sometimes the questions asked during these interviews are different from what you’d expect. The Job Network shares 10 questions you should be prepared to answer — and tips on how to do so successfully.

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What Are the Signs of a Toxic Work Environment?

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on September 5, 2017

It’s always important to put your best self forward when looking for a new job. You want to prove that you are the best fit for the position. Many forget, however, that it’s equally important that the company be a good match for you! Learn the telltale signs of a toxic company culture, so you can be sure to avoid it.

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How to Combat Job-Interview Angst

Chrissy Brennan on August 28, 2017

Interviewing for a job can be anxiety-producing — even for the most seasoned candidate. For cancer survivors, often there is an added layer of concern about the process. Read on for tips on how to manage pre-interview butterflies so that your best self shines through.

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Productivity and the “New Normal” During & After Cancer

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 21, 2017

The side effects of treatment — including chemo brain — sometimes require survivors make changes to their work habits so they can continue doing their job at the best possible level. A recent New York Times article provides some excellent tips to keep in mind when integrating new work habits into your routine.

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Steps to Take After a Difficult Conversation at Work

Nicole Franklin, MPH on August 14, 2017

Most of us have had difficult conversations at work — the kind that can leave us feeling anxious and eager to forget that it ever took place. Learning how to navigate a challenging work conversation is a skill, but being able to follow up and build (or re-build) a relationship afterward is equally important.

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Navigating Tough Interview Questions

Grace Blumberg, LMSW on August 7, 2017

Interviewing for a new job can be stressful. Composing and practicing answers to possible questions in advance enables you to navigate an interview with ease; it can also reduce your chances of getting caught off guard by questions you are not legally obligated to answer.

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The Networking Pizza Dinner

Maddy Meislin on July 31, 2017

When you share an experience with someone, there’s something that connects the two of you. Leave your mind open to the possibility of networking, realizing that networking doesn’t necessarily mean you need to put on a suit and name-tag at a formal event.

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Our 2017 National Conference on Work & Cancer Was About YOU!

Alicia Chin on July 24, 2017

This year’s conference, a full-day knowledge-share held at the CUNY Graduate Center in Manhattan, brought together familiar faces, accessible experts, new contacts and undeniable energy.

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Chemo Brain: It’s Not Just in Your Head

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 17, 2017

Finally, a scientific basis has been discovered for chemo brain.

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Webinar Spotlight: Career Change

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 10, 2017

Last month, as part of our Balancing Work & Cancer Webinar Series, we hosted a webinar on career change. The session was presented by our seasoned career coach Julie Jansen. Check out some of the highlights!

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How to Make a Positive First Impression

Chrissy Brennan on July 5, 2017

Making a great first impression is a key component of successful networking. To ensure that happens, you need to remember four little words...

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Overcoming Common Job-Search Obstacles

Nicole Franklin, MPH on June 19, 2017

There are a number of challenges that job-hunters often face. Read on to learn what they are and how to address them.

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How to Reinvigorate Your Job Search

Rachel Becker, LMSW on June 12, 2017

In today’s world, a successful job search can take some time, which can leave employment seekers feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Thankfully, an article in Fast Company outlines practical steps that can help offset the fatigue and keep you moving in the right direction. Here are a few of the highlights.

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