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How to Identify Your Strengths

Maddy Meislin on November 18, 2019

When searching for a job, it’s important to figure out what’s meaningful to you — but it’s also important to figure out what you’re good at.

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2019 West Coast Conference Review!

Nicole Franklin, MPH on November 11, 2019

Our 5th annual West Coast Conference was a huge success! For the first time we offered CART services and had an additional speaker presenting a new topic, “Setting Boundaries.” Here’s a short recap of the day.

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4 Ways to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Sissy Silva on November 4, 2019

Online job applications have become the norm, which has resulted in a larger pool of candidates for employers to consider. That means first impressions really matter — and your resume is often the first opportunity you have to make a strong first impression.

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How to Master Both Hard Skills & Soft Skills

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on October 28, 2019

There are many steps to the job-search process, but one of the most important is to spend time looking inward and assessing what you can offer as a potential job candidate. We tell you how.

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Creating a Sense of Belonging at Work

Maddy Meislin on October 21, 2019

Research shows that workplace belonging is vital for employee well-being and organizational functioning. Here are some tips for how managers and coworkers can foster a sense of belonging in the workplace.

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Expectation vs. Reality: Will Your New Job Be the Right One for You?

Sissy Silva on October 14, 2019

Whether you’re in the midst of a job search or ready to accept an offer, you likely have expectations of what that new position will be like. To help ensure that your hopes sync up with your eventual reality, follow these tips.

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Shop for Yourself...Give Back to So Many

Leticia Bennett on October 7, 2019

By shopping with some of our powerful partners, you will be helping to fund everyday support for so many who use Cancer and Careers’ services!

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The Importance of Giving Yourself a Mental Break

Nicole Franklin, MPH on September 30, 2019

Information overload is a common challenge for most people, so we should all take steps to create more physical and mental space for ourselves — especially after a cancer diagnosis.

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How to Disclose an Invisible Disability at Work

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on September 23, 2019

Having a disability that can’t be seen can present unique challenges in the workplace — including deciding whether to disclose. Here are steps for approaching the process.

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Tips for Interviewing After You’ve Left a Job on Negative Terms

Maddy Meislin on September 16, 2019

When looking for a new job after leaving your previous one on bad terms, it’s important to control your narrative. Here’s how...

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How to Prepare for Taking Time Off Work

Sissy Silva on September 9, 2019

Properly planning for a leave of absence is crucial for both you and your employer. Here’s how to go about it.

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How to Use Time Off From Work to Your Advantage

Nicole Franklin, MPH on September 3, 2019

There are several activities you can undertake to give yourself a professional edge while you’re away from the workforce.

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Making the Argument for Working Remotely

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 26, 2019

When you have cancer, performing your job remotely can save you the time and energy you need to continue to be productive at work. Here’s how to approach your boss with the idea...

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How to Ask for Time Off

Maddy Meislin on August 20, 2019

If managing your diagnosis necessitates requesting time off from work, it’s important to go about it strategically and responsibly. Here are some guidelines...

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How a Functional Resume Can Help Explain Gaps in Work History

Sissy Silva on August 12, 2019

First impressions matter, so how you tell your story is important. For survivors looking to return to work, explaining gaps in employment due to treatment can be challenging. Fortunately, there are ways around this.

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What Is FMLA Leave and How Do You Take It?

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 5, 2019

There are a variety of reasons why one would need to take a leave of absence from work — cancer patients, in particular, know this all too well. Thankfully, the Family and Medical Leave Act was designed to address some of these situations. Find out more...

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Important Facts to Know About Short-Term Disability

Nicole Franklin, MPH on July 29, 2019

Sometimes, cancer treatment/recovery can impact your ability to work. It may even require you to take time off. If you need to take a leave of absence, short-term disability (STD) could be an option to consider.

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2019 National Conference Recap

Maddy Meislin on July 22, 2019

Our 9th annual National Conference on Work & Cancer provided attendees with information, confidence, hope and truth. Read on...

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Making the Case for a More Flexible Work Schedule

Sissy Silva on July 15, 2019

While the benefits of flexible work arrangements are a win-win for both the employee and the employer, for many survivors, this option is not guaranteed. However, a strong case can be made for its value. Read our tips for how to have this conversation effectively!

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How to Request Accommodations During a Job Search

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 1, 2019

Job-searching can pose challenges, but job-searching with cancer can make those challenges feel insurmountable. Thankfully there are protections available to job-seekers, some of which are applicable even before they’re hired.

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