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Three Tips for Building a Standout Online Brand

Rachel Becker, LMSW on February 25, 2019

It’s a reality in today’s professional landscape that employers Google. As such, it’s essential to have a clear sense of what your “online brand” says about you.

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Useful Employment Trends for Survivors in 2019

Sissy Silva on February 11, 2019

New year, new employment trends — some of which might be welcome news for cancer patients and survivors looking to work during or post-treatment. Read on!

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How to Streamline & Simplify Your Job Search

Nicole Franklin, MPH on January 28, 2019

Looking for work encompasses a lot of the same requirements that are necessary at an actual job – organization, time management, adaptability and skill-building — so you’ll want to have a similar approach. Learn how to make the job search process more productive and ultimately, less stressful and time-consuming.

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Use the STAR Method to Shine During Interviews

Rachel Becker, LMSW on January 21, 2019

If you’ve ever been on a job interview, you’ve likely been asked to give an example of how you handled a challenging circumstance in a prior work situation. The STAR Method is a great tool for creating a smart, successful response. Learn more about it.

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The January Job Hunt

Chrissy Brennan on January 14, 2019

The beginning of a new year is often a good time to look for work. Find out why, and what you can do to make your search successful.

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Work & Stress — What You Need to Know

Sissy Silva on January 7, 2019

For many of us, work provides a sense of purpose and identity. But it can also be a source of stress and anxiety. For cancer patients and survivors, this juxtaposition can be even more profound. Read on for more about stress at work and ways to combat it.

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Key Questions to Ask During a Job Interview

Nicole Franklin, MPH on December 10, 2018

Take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions during a job interview. Learn more about the position, company and get answers to some of your most pressing questions.

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“What’s Your Greatest Weakness?”: Why It Is Asked & How to Craft Your Best Answer

Rachel Becker, LMSW on December 4, 2018

One of the most commonly asked (and feared) interview questions is “What’s your greatest weakness?” Understanding why it is posed can help you craft a response that demonstrates why you’d be an asset to a potential employer.

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Tips for Transferring Job Skills to a New Field

Chrissy Brennan on November 19, 2018

For cancer survivors, the need or desire to change careers following a diagnosis is not uncommon. Making that transition, however, takes planning and effort. A key step in that process involves assessing your skills and identifying the ones you’ll need to succeed in a new role.

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Resume Writing — Where to Start

Sissy Silva on November 12, 2018

You’ve decided you want to make a change in your professional life. One of the most crucial steps to accomplishing this is having a strong, well-written resume. Find out how to set yourself apart from all other candidates and make a favorable impression on the hiring manager.

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Showcasing Volunteer Experience to Land a Job

Nicole Franklin, MPH on November 5, 2018

Seize the opportunity to highlight your volunteer experience during a job interview. Practice makes perfect so conduct mock interviews to get more comfortable answering commonly asked interview questions and inserting your volunteer experience into your responses!

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The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for an Interview

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on October 29, 2018

There are many steps to the job search process, but getting an interview brings you that much closer to getting the job of your dreams. Interview prep can help you to not only feel confident, but can ensure that you're walking in with the right answers and evidence that you're the best for the job.

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Setting Yourself Up for a More Organized Job Hunt

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on October 1, 2018

Being organized and having a job-search plan in place can help make what is often a stressful and frustrating process much more manageable. Check out our tips for creating a plan to get, and stay, organized while looking for work.

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The Most Common Interview Questions (& How to Answer Them!)

Rachel Becker, LMSW on September 9, 2018

The best way to balance out any pre-interview anxiety is to prepare and rehearse responses to potential questions.

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Boost Your Job Search with LinkedIn’s Resume Assistant

Nicole Franklin, MPH on August 27, 2018

LinkedIn’s Resume Assistant is a powerful tool that provides resources and inspiration to help you craft your resume. Here, we’ve highlighted some of its key features.

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How to Enhance Your Social Media Presence — And Why You Should

Chrissy Brennan on August 20, 2018

Having a robust online presence is becoming increasingly important. Here are easy steps you can follow to establish yours.

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Roadmapping Your Path to a Happier Work Life

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 13, 2018

Cancer prompts many survivors to explore the idea of changing careers, in the hopes of increasing the degree of happiness in their life. Read on for tips on creating a map to get you there.

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Simple Steps for Assessing Your Skills

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 6, 2018

When job-hunting, many of us tend to underestimate our capabilities. But knowing your skill set and how it can be applied to various positions is critical. Read on for easy ways to assess your career skills.

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Emphasizing Your Transferable Skills for a Successful Career Change

Nicole Franklin, MPH on July 2, 2018

By identifying and highlighting your transferable skills (i.e., ones you’ve obtained in previous positions that are applicable to a desired job) on your application, you can grab the attention of hiring managers.

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How to Effectively Explain Resume Gaps

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 26, 2018

Looking for job after a cancer diagnosis has its own unique challenges. A common one relates to resume gaps. We want to make sure you’re prepared. So read on for ways to make gaps less of an obstacle during the job search.

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