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Don’t Meet All the Qualifications for a Position? That’s Okay!

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on January 23, 2017

When job-searching, it is common to read a summary of the position and rule yourself out if you do not meet every qualification listed. However, you are doing yourself a disservice by not applying just because you don’t fit the exact description.

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What to Say If You Left on Bad Terms with Your Previous Employer

Chioma Onyekwere on December 12, 2016

For cancer patients and survivors whose departure from their previous job was in some way related to their diagnosis, formulating a response to the question “Why did you leave?” is hard.

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What If My Job References Know I Have Cancer?

Maddy Meislin on November 28, 2016

“What if my job references know I have cancer?” is a question we are often asked at Cancer and Careers. Our Chief Mission Officer, Rebecca Nellis, shares some of CAC’s ideas for what to do in this situation, on our Ask a Career Coach discussion board.

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Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid

Chioma Onyekwere on November 7, 2016

While there is certainly no perfect resume, you don’t want recruiters to dismiss yours because it contains one of these common mistakes.

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Make Networking Work for You

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on October 13, 2016

For a lot of people, networking is neither easy nor enjoyable; but many will admit that, when done right, it works!

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Tips to Help Your Cover Letter Stand Out

Chioma Onyekwere on October 6, 2016

Crafting your cover letter can be a little nerve-wracking, but the cover letter serves as an introduction to your qualifications to prospective employers.

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Are You Getting in the Way of Your Own Job Search?

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 22, 2016

Most job-seekers experience a lot of ups and downs while looking for work. It’s quite common for this virtual roller coaster to cause us to start telling ourselves “stories” about emotionally fraught circumstances that aren’t necessarily true — and believing them can slow us down on our path to employment.

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What Not to Share During a Job Interview

Chrissy Brennan on August 15, 2016

Job interviews give you the chance to share information about yourself and your capabilities. But before you sit down to speak with a hiring manager, make sure you know what’s useful to share — and what you’re better off keeping to yourself.

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The Ultimate Four-Step Guide to Changing Your Career

Sarah Goodell on August 11, 2016

There are many reasons why people decide to change careers. One that we hear of often is cancer. A cancer diagnosis can cause people to think about their lives in a way that they hadn’t before — and it can make them realize that they want to do something entirely different. Here are four important steps to switching careers.

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What's the Impact of Social Media Use for Those with Cancer?

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 8, 2016

The proliferation of social media around the world is undeniable. Regardless of age, race, sex or socioeconomic status, people's use of social media tools is widespread. How is this technology impacting the lives of individuals with cancer?

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The Flexibility Question: Exploring Company Culture Before You Accept the Job

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 1, 2016

For cancer survivors who are returning to the work force or changing careers, landing in a work environment with an open and flexible company culture can be a top priority. But is it possible to get a sense of how flexible a potential employer <em>really</em> is before you accept an offer?

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Social Media Smarts: Mistakes to Avoid!

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 18, 2016

For many, social media has become a staple in our lives. With the addition of LinkedIn, the usage has expanded from a socializing tool, to including a professional and career-oriented aspect. However, it's important to keep in mind: what goes online, stays online. Here are some common mistakes to keep in mind during the job search.

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Tips for Developing Your Time Management Skills

Rachel Becker, LMSW on July 14, 2016

"Time management"a life skill that gets developed and refined over time. For many cancer survivors, taking the time to refresh ones approach to time management can help mitigate the overwhelming feelings that often arise when balancing a job and/or job search, ongoing doctor appointments, and all of the other things that come with life.

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Don’t Take Job-Search Shortcuts!

Maddy Meislin on July 7, 2016

Looking for a new job is not easy. If you have cancer, it can seem even more challenging, because you’ll need to consider things related to treatment and recovery. As a result, you may feel inclined to take shortcuts, but doing so can make the process harder in the long run.

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Tips for Organizing Your Resume Based on Who You Are and Where You're Going

Sarah Goodell on July 6, 2016

A recent article in The Muse discusses the intricacies of organizing your resume — and the importance of doing so strategically.

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How to Convey Enthusiasm in a Cover Letter

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 27, 2016

Many hiring managers continue to emphasize the value of cover letters. And while it’s important to express interest and enthusiasm for the position you’re targeting, some ways of conveying excitement are more effective than others.

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Looking for Work When You’re Over 55

Maddy Meislin on June 23, 2016

A CNBC article includes advice from experts on strategies candidates 55 years and older can use to reinvent themselves and re-enter the workforce.

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LinkedIn Tips: Profile Refresh Made Easy

Rachel Becker, LMSW on June 20, 2016

The online community Skillcrush recently released a brilliant and easy-to-follow infographic illustrating 23 steps you can take to update your LinkedIn profile. Here are a few highlights...

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Regardless of industry, these are the skills you need to work on to get ahead

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 16, 2016

Looking for a job is not as simple as it once was. The number, and level, of college degrees seem to hold less weight, years of experience in jobs are not as important, and job requirements seem to be more nuanced. More and more employers are looking to see what "soft skills" job seekers are bringing to the table.

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4 Nosy Interview Questions You Should Be Asking

Sarah Goodell on May 26, 2016

posted in Interview, Job Search

As we’ve all heard, it’s helpful to show up to an interview with a well-thought-out list of questions about the position and company. But there are some questions that many of us are nervous to bring up; and while some of these should definitely be avoided, others are just fine — and, in fact, very important — to ask.

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