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Take your online brand one step further

Alice McKenney on April 20, 2012

posted in Job Search, Networking

Are you looking to go beyond the standard resume? Are you willing to try new, tech-savvy, tactics to really give your work experience that wow factor? Got an up-to-date LinkedIn profile? Then it's time to try

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Thought changing your Facebook privacy settings was enough? Think again!

Andrew Jacob on April 9, 2012

posted in Interview, Job Search

Thought your pictures and personal information were being shared just among friends? Your next employer may demand access to your Facebook account.

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Good News About Resume Gaps

Rebecca Nellis on April 5, 2012

posted in HR, Job Search, Resume

CareerBuilder found that 85% of hiring managers and HR managers are more understanding of employment gaps now than pre-recession.

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Six Questions to Ask in Interviews

Eva LaManna on March 29, 2012

Six great questions to ask a potential employer in a job interview that will have you leaving a positive impression.

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How Facebook's New Timeline Feature Can Hinder A Job Search

Alice McKenney on March 20, 2012

As many of us are aware at this point, Facebook Timeline is here to stay, and eventually we will all have to switch over. Do you know what to avoid doing on it so you don't mess up your job search?

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LinkedIn's Value to Job Seekers Increases

Eva LaManna on March 9, 2012

Posting your resume on LinkedIn has just become even more beneficial as the site acts as a recruiter to connect companies with candidates.

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Avoid Overthinking Your Interview: There are Only Three Questions

Andrew Jacob on February 28, 2012

posted in Interview, Job Search

Check out this article that simplifies every interview into three basic questions.

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Ticket to Work

Alice McKenney on January 23, 2012

Are you receiving SSI or SSDI payments? Do you want to obtain vocational rehabilitation, training, job referrals and other employment support services free of charge? Then the Ticket to Work program is... well... your ticket!

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Job Search Tools, Tips & Tricks

Eva LaManna on January 18, 2012

Some great tips from our Job Search teleconference in December, including resume advice, suggestions on how to find a job & more. (Plus: view the archived recording!)

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10 Crazy Things People Put on Resumes

Alice McKenney on December 1, 2011

Sometimes people put the darndest things on their resumes - check out these items to make sure you're not making these mistakes (or to have a laugh or two!)

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Could a part-time job be your winning ticket?

Alice McKenney on November 21, 2011

Stringing together two or more part-time jobs is a hot trend among today's young adults -- but could this trend be adopted by cancer survivors?

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This Just In! Ask the Experts is Back for One More Teleconference!

Andrew Jacob on November 3, 2011

Ask the Experts: Job Search Tools, Tips and Tricks with Executive and Career Coach and Author Julie Jansen will be held Dec 1st. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to learn more about how to handle interviews and tweak your resume, plus ask questions about the job search!

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CAC featured during TalkAboutHealth Q&A

Alice McKenney on October 27, 2011

TalkAboutHealth has become the go-to resource for patients and survivors alike to ask questions covering everything from medication side effects to emotional health, and get straight, direct answers from the leading experts. Cancer and Careers was recently chosen to be the resident expert on issues regarding work & cancer.

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Time to Spice Things Up: 10 Unique Job Hunt Tactics

Melissa DeLeo on October 21, 2011

If you've hit a job search plateau and need a new approach, maybe it's time to think outside the box.

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Your Online Brand

Rebecca Nellis on October 17, 2011

Social media has become an incredibly important and valuable component to survivorship, providing immediate support and community but there are things to consider.

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Niche Job Sites: A Job Seeker's Best Friend

Melissa DeLeo on October 10, 2011

Tired of endlessly clicking through general job boards? Exhausted of being frustrated and confused rather than employed? Niche job sites may be exactly what you are missing.

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Do you know what a recruiter does?

Cancer and Careers Guest Blogger on September 22, 2011

Kathy, our newest guest blogger, is here to share! Also, resume tips and more from the person who looks at them everyday.

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Are You Sabotaging Your Job Search?

Melissa DeLeo on September 19, 2011

The interview process can be an incredible mixture of nerves and adrenaline. And the desire to land the job can also be your Achilles’ heel. Check out this blog to learn if your interview actions are setting you up for success or leading you to failure.

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What you Need to Know about Your Resume References

Melissa DeLeo on September 12, 2011

A personal reference can be the make or break factor in landing a new job. Learn how to set yourself up for success.

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Do Help-Wanted Ads Exclude the Long-Term Jobless?

Cancer and Careers Guest Blogger on August 18, 2011

There has been a big buzz lately in the media about the fact that many American companies are blatantly discriminating against unemployed Americans. New York Times economics reporter Catherine Rampell recently wrote an article about the trend of help-wanted ads specifically asking for only the employed to apply.

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