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What Impact Is Your Online Presence Having on Your Career?

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on February 18, 2020

Social media is here, and it's here to stay. Understanding best practices for using it in your personal life can extend to security and stability in your professional life.

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A Sudden Career Change: What Now?

Brian Morvant on February 10, 2020

Changing careers can bring about obstacles both expected and unanticipated. We share ways to get a handle on the transition and ensure you’re taking steps in the right direction.

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Maintaining Balance While Job-Hunting

Nicole Franklin, MPH on February 3, 2020

While job-hunting, it’s essential to find ways to relieve stress, which necessitates being able to recognize stress-related symptoms.

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Do You Have to Meet Every Qualification?

Sissy Silva on January 27, 2020

You may be concerned about how much the job market has changed and how you’ll meet any new expectations. But it’s important to put yourself out there and know that it’s not necessary to meet all qualifications.

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How to Safely Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” During an Interview

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on November 25, 2019

You’ve been job-hunting and you’ve secured an interview. In preparation, find out what you need to know about disclosure during interviews and how to reply to the dreaded “Tell me about yourself...”

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How to Identify Your Strengths

Maddy Meislin on November 18, 2019

When searching for a job, it’s important to figure out what’s meaningful to you — but it’s also important to figure out what you’re good at.

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2019 West Coast Conference Review!

Nicole Franklin, MPH on November 11, 2019

Our 5th annual West Coast Conference was a huge success! For the first time we offered CART services and had an additional speaker presenting a new topic, “Setting Boundaries.” Here’s a short recap of the day.

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4 Ways to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Sissy Silva on November 4, 2019

Online job applications have become the norm, which has resulted in a larger pool of candidates for employers to consider. That means first impressions really matter — and your resume is often the first opportunity you have to make a strong first impression.

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How to Master Both Hard Skills & Soft Skills

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on October 28, 2019

There are many steps to the job-search process, but one of the most important is to spend time looking inward and assessing what you can offer as a potential job candidate. We tell you how.

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Expectation vs. Reality: Will Your New Job Be the Right One for You?

Sissy Silva on October 14, 2019

Whether you’re in the midst of a job search or ready to accept an offer, you likely have expectations of what that new position will be like. To help ensure that your hopes sync up with your eventual reality, follow these tips.

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Tips for Interviewing After You’ve Left a Job on Negative Terms

Maddy Meislin on September 16, 2019

When looking for a new job after leaving your previous one on bad terms, it’s important to control your narrative. Here’s how...

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How to Use Time Off From Work to Your Advantage

Nicole Franklin, MPH on September 3, 2019

There are several activities you can undertake to give yourself a professional edge while you’re away from the workforce.

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How a Functional Resume Can Help Explain Gaps in Work History

Sissy Silva on August 12, 2019

First impressions matter, so how you tell your story is important. For survivors looking to return to work, explaining gaps in employment due to treatment can be challenging. Fortunately, there are ways around this.

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How to Request Accommodations During a Job Search

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 1, 2019

Job-searching can pose challenges, but job-searching with cancer can make those challenges feel insurmountable. Thankfully there are protections available to job-seekers, some of which are applicable even before they’re hired.

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Maintaining Proper Social Media Etiquette While Job-Hunting

Nicole Franklin, MPH on June 10, 2019

What you post on social media can impact your job search, so it’s critical that your social profiles reflect the image you’re trying to convey.

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The 2019 National Conference Is Almost Here!

Maddy Meislin on June 3, 2019

Our free, daylong program will deliver essential information and valuable resources on balancing treatment and recovery with employment. Plus, we’re excited to announce some new elements!

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How to Refresh Your Career and Job Search

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on May 13, 2019

Feeling like your job search and/or career is stagnant? Here are some tips on how to take a fresh approach!

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Commonly Held Beliefs About Job-Hunting That Are Complete Myths

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on April 1, 2019

When setting out on the job hunt, it is easy to be inundated with advice and best practices. While much of that information can be helpful, it's important to be able to distinguish between good, practical advice and inaccurate or irrelevant guidance. Read on for which commonly held job hunting beliefs are actually not true!

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Expert Career Advice

Sissy Silva on March 18, 2019

There is no exact science for how best to approach your career. But one thing is for sure: Advice is crucial to your professional growth and success.

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The 2019 Midwest Conference — Happening This Month!

Nicole Franklin, MPH on March 12, 2019

On Friday, March 29, 2019, Cancer and Careers will host its 6th annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer, at Northwestern Prentice Women’s Hospital, in Chicago!

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