At Cancer and Careers, we know that workplaces are touched by cancer too, not just employees. That’s why we’ve collaborated with Anthem, Inc., Pfizer, and the U.S. Business Leadership Network to produce a tool for employers so they can better understand and manage cancer in the workplace.
The result of this joint effort is a free online toolkit: Here, employers and managers can find information on relevant laws and best practices, as well as step-by-step instructions for supporting staff touched by cancer — whether the employee is the one who’s been diagnosed or he/she is a caretaker for a family member or friend with cancer. They can also find information on how to work with their HR department to adopt a transition plan that will help things run more smoothly for all involved.
If you are employed and have cancer, our recently revised Manager’s Kit is a great resource to guide conversations with your supervisor about your diagnosis. It also includes information on Workplace Transitions, so your boss can access resources on his/her own. To download a free copy of our Manager’s Kit, click here.