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Is Your To-Do List Counterproductive?

Sissy Silva on August 25, 2023

In a world where multitasking is the norm and time is a precious commodity, the concept of a to-do list has become an indispensable tool for individuals juggling professional demands and personal challenges. However, when that to-do list seems out of control and never ending, it can cause more dread than help.

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When to Say No at Work

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 16, 2023

We've all been there. Your boss or supervisor asks for volunteers for something outside of your job and you feel like you should do it to make a better impression. But, what if you don't have the time for it? Here's how to evaluate when you should say no at work.

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Balancing Work and Cancer: Webinar Recap

Tatiana Pacheco on August 10, 2023

On August 2nd, we held our Balancing Work and Cancer webinar.The presentation discussed key practical considerations for balancing work and cancer treatment/recovery, such as deciding whether to work/return to work after treatment, managing disclosure decisions, looking for work strategies, and much more.

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Protecting Privacy When Reviewing Healthcare Providers

Maddy Meislin on July 31, 2023

Online reviews of healthcare providers can be a valuable resource for patients seeking care and/or looking to provide feedback. But it's also a way to potentially accidentally disclose a diagnosis

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Disability is Underreported in the Workplace

Scott Sinclair on July 26, 2023

Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This revolutionary legislation gave rights and equal access to millions of Americans. According to a recent article in Psychology Today, up to 80% of disabilities are not apparent. As a result, statistics on people with disabilities are grossly under reported.

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Self-Care: Practical Approaches to Work and Beyond Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on July 20, 2023

Our latest Balancing Work & Cancer webinar titled Self-Care: Practical Approaches at Work and Beyond was held last week. There are so many misconceptions around self-care like it’s too expensive or takes a lot of time. The truth is, self-care can be as simple as a 5 minute break in your day to listen to your favorite song.

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Meet Our New Summer Intern

Cancer and Careers Guest Blogger on July 13, 2023

posted in Meet the Staff

Hello! My name is Sheyla Jimenez and I am so excited to join Cancers and Careers as a summer intern. I am a sophomore in college attending SUNY Brockport studying social work.

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The Power of Professional Disagreements

Sissy Silva on July 6, 2023

Disagreements are a natural part of professional environments and can be essential to express ourselves and contribute effectively to the workplace. Constructive disagreement fosters innovation, enhances decision-making, and promotes inclusivity in the workplace.

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A Recap of our 2023 National Conference

Maddy Meislin on June 29, 2023

Our 13th annual National Conference on Work & Cancer was held last week on Friday, June 23rd. We were thrilled to see a mix of patients, survivors, caregivers, HR/ nonprofit/healthcare professionals, managers, coworkers, advocates, friends and family members come together from around the country – and even the globe!

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How My Experience Coming Out Helped Me Connect To Our CAC Community

Scott Sinclair on June 22, 2023

When I started working at Cancer and Careers, one of the first things I learned about were the considerations that go into whether to disclose a cancer diagnosis in the workplace or not. While I have not personally gone through cancer treatment, the disclosure conversation was something that immediately resonated with me.

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An Interview with Dr. Brian K. McNeil

Scott Sinclair on June 15, 2023

Last year we invited Dr. Brian K. McNeil, Vice Chair of the Department of Urology and the Urology Residency Program Director at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, to join our panel of oncologists at the National Conference. When we learned Dr. McNeill was unavailable for this year, we moved to the next best thing, a quick Q&A for the blog.

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Job Search: Webinar Recap

Tatiana Pacheco on June 9, 2023

Our latest Balancing Work & Cancer webinar was held on June 7th and we were joined by career coach Julie Jansen. The webinar provided valuable insights and practical tips on creating an effective resume, sharpening interviewing skills, addressing resume gaps, mastering the art of networking and more!

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A Spotlight on LGBTQIA+ Cancer Organizations

Scott Sinclair on June 2, 2023

While our programs and resources are designed for ANYONE with a cancer diagnosis, we acknowledge that specific communities may have different needs to navigate the cancer space. We wanted to spotlight some incredible organizations in the cancer community specifically serving LGBTQIA+ patients and survivors.

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Monotasking for Chemo-brain and Brain Fog

Maddy Meislin on May 26, 2023

Chemo-brain or brain fog is a common side-effect of people receiving cancer treatment. Tthis can often affect how someone is able to function on the job. Here are some key reasons why monotasking can be particularly beneficial, especially for someone experiencing chemo-brain

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Meet Our New Senior Development Coordinator

Tine Prihoda-Brucato on May 19, 2023

posted in Meet the Staff

Hello! My name is Tine (you say it like "Tina") and I am so excited to be joining Cancer and Careers as Senior Development Coordinator.

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Join us tonight on QVC

Alicia Chin on May 16, 2023

Beauty with Benefits, a fundraiser for Cancer and Careers, is live tonight on QVC. This exciting campaign features top brands and products in support of our work, and our community. The impact is direct—70% of the purchase price* will fuel our programs and services, ensuring everything we offer remains free and accessible to you, year-round.

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How to Calm Pre-Interview Anxiety

Tatiana Pacheco on May 12, 2023

It’s common to experience a range of emotions before interviewing for a job – and those emotions might be heightened if you’re returning to work after taking time off for treatment and recovery. Acknowledging and processing these emotions, especially that pre-interview anxiety, can be helpful as you prep.

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Jamie Foxx Chose Privacy and You Can Too

Rebecca Nellis on May 9, 2023

posted in Dislosure

Jamie Foxx was hospitalized last month after experiencing a “medical complication.” Tabloids, as well as mainstream news outlets, quickly picked up on the story and speculation began about what happened to him, and why more information was not revealed. Why is there an expectation that Jamie Foxx share anything about his health or well-being?

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Building Confidence at Work: Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on May 4, 2023

Dr. Sage Bolte joined CAC to lead a webinar on Building Confidence at Work. There can be many physical, mental and emotional changes during and after cancer treatments, which understandably, may impact body image and self-confidence. Dr. Bolte walked us through techniques and tools to cope with those changes.

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Using AI Voice Banking

Sissy Silva on April 28, 2023

Voice banking is a process that allows individuals to preserve their voice for future use, whether lost due to a degenerative disease or as a side effect of cancer treatment. By recording a variety of phrases and sounds, individuals can create a personalized digital voice that can be used to communicate through speech-generating devices.

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