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Stressed Out at Work? Asking Yourself a Few Questions Can Help.

Maddy Meislin on October 16, 2017

According to The Job Network, the best way to manage on-the-job stress is to confront it head-on by asking yourself a series of questions. Read on to find out what they are...

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Preparing to Interview for a Part-time Job

Maddy Meislin on September 11, 2017

Like any job, part-time positions often require at least one interview. But sometimes the questions asked during these interviews are different from what you’d expect. The Job Network shares 10 questions you should be prepared to answer — and tips on how to do so successfully.

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The Networking Pizza Dinner

Maddy Meislin on July 31, 2017

When you share an experience with someone, there’s something that connects the two of you. Leave your mind open to the possibility of networking, realizing that networking doesn’t necessarily mean you need to put on a suit and name-tag at a formal event.

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Tips to Attract Recruiters Through LinkedIn

Maddy Meislin on June 5, 2017

posted in Job Search, LinkedIn

According to a Fast Company article titled “This Is What Recruiters Look For on Your LinkedIn Profile,” the majority of recruiters find LinkedIn an effective way of vetting candidates during the hiring process. Here are 10 tips the article highlights for making your profile stand out!

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Don’t Miss Our National Conference on Work & Cancer!

Maddy Meislin on May 8, 2017

On Friday, June 23, 2017, Cancer and Careers will host our 7th annual National Conference on Work & Cancer, at the CUNY Graduate Center, in New York City.

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Calming Your Cancer Anxiety

Maddy Meislin on February 27, 2017

posted in Managing Stress

Stress and anxiety are common company of a cancer diagnosis. If left unchecked, your body’s reaction to these stresses can lead to impaired immune function and an assortment of troubling symptoms. Thankfully, there are tools and techniques that can help you combat fear and anxiety, and regain a sense of control.

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5 “Cultural Fit” Questions You Should Ask

Maddy Meislin on January 30, 2017

An article by Monster Worldwide Inc. shares some of the best questions you should ask during the interview process to help you gain a sense of the work culture you’ll be walking into.

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What If My Job References Know I Have Cancer?

Maddy Meislin on November 28, 2016

“What if my job references know I have cancer?” is a question we are often asked at Cancer and Careers. Our Chief Mission Officer, Rebecca Nellis, shares some of CAC’s ideas for what to do in this situation, on our Ask a Career Coach discussion board.

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Give Yourself a Confidence Boost!

Maddy Meislin on October 26, 2016

We all have a tendency to compare ourselves to others, which isn't always helpful. One way to counter that is by boosting your self-confidence. Here’s how...

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Workplace Wellness Programs & Privacy

Maddy Meislin on September 29, 2016

Employer wellness programs are becoming an increasingly popular way to create happier and healthier employees and more productive workplaces. But while such programs may provide potential health and cost benefits, it’s important to note that the information collected for employer-sponsored programs is not covered under health privacy laws.

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Gathering Information Before Disclosure

Maddy Meislin on September 8, 2016

The decision to disclose your diagnosis to an employer is personal, but if you choose to do so, gathering all the information you can beforehand in order to create an action plan is an important step in the process.

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Managing Stress at Work

Maddy Meislin on August 18, 2016

If you’re feeling stressed at work, you’re not alone. In fact, the APA found that more than a third of American workers experience chronic work stress. When it comes to life stress, cancer can definitely be one of the most significant contributors. So it stands to reason that news of a diagnosis only exacerbates pressure and anxiety on the job.

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Financial Toxicity for Cancer Survivors Rising

Maddy Meislin on August 4, 2016

For many cancer survivors, diagnosis and treatment aren’t the only hardships. Financial implications of cancer can be devastating. According to a new poll, 26% of Americans say healthcare costs have caused serious financial problems for them or their family.

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Don’t Take Job-Search Shortcuts!

Maddy Meislin on July 7, 2016

Looking for a new job is not easy. If you have cancer, it can seem even more challenging, because you’ll need to consider things related to treatment and recovery. As a result, you may feel inclined to take shortcuts, but doing so can make the process harder in the long run.

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Looking for Work When You’re Over 55

Maddy Meislin on June 23, 2016

A CNBC article includes advice from experts on strategies candidates 55 years and older can use to reinvent themselves and re-enter the workforce.

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National Conference Session Spotlight: Work & Cancer — Strategies for Eating Well on the Job

Maddy Meislin on June 7, 2016

Our 6th annual National Conference on Work & Cancer is less than two weeks away and we are excited to share another new session for this year: Work & Cancer — Strategies for Eating Well on the Job!

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Emotions of a Career Change

Maddy Meislin on May 19, 2016

A recent article published in the Harvard Business Review discusses some of the common emotional effects that can accompany career transition.

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Happiness at Work: Learning from Denmark

Maddy Meislin on April 28, 2016

According to a recent Business Insider article, we could learn a thing or two about happiness at work from Denmark, the happiest country in the world (according to international studies). The article lists some tips from the Scandinavian country on how Americans can make work a happier place.

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Spotlight on Our Young Adult Cancer Community Partners!

Maddy Meislin on April 7, 2016

In honor of National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week, we would like to spotlight some of our amazing community partners that are making a difference in the lives of young adult survivors — not just this week, but each and every day!

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Resume Review Service: Best Practices

Maddy Meislin on March 21, 2016

Since 2013, Cancer and Careers has been working with professional career coach Julie Jansen to provide free, personalized feedback on more than 450 cancer survivors’ resumes through our Resume Review service. This year, we are excited to have L’Oreal USA sponsoring the program, so we can reach even more job-seeking survivors!

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