Sarah Goodell on May 26, 2016
As we’ve all heard, it’s helpful to show up to an interview with a well-thought-out list of questions about the position and company. But there are some questions that many of us are nervous to bring up; and while some of these should definitely be avoided, others are just fine — and, in fact, very important — to ask.
Read MoreKelsey Fenton on May 9, 2016
Here are some tips on how to use the last few minutes before you meet with a prospective employer, to get in the right mindset and ace the interview!
Read MoreRebecca Nellis on March 7, 2016
The “gap” question is probably the one that most often poses a challenge for cancer survivors during an interview. But there are other questions that might trip you up if you haven't spent time thinking about how to address them. Below are a few examples — plus sample responses — to get you started. Of course there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
Read MoreMaddy Meislin on February 29, 2016
Forbes recently published an article on The 25 Happiest Companies to Work for in 2015 based on eight factors that impact professional happiness. However, as a cancer patient or survivor, what is important to you in the workplace may be different than it is for someone else.
Read MoreRachel Becker, LMSW on January 21, 2016
Whether you’re in the midst of an ongoing job search or starting a new one, now is the time to harness the energy of the new year and strategize for 2016.
Read MoreKelsey Fenton on June 5, 2015
We frequently talk about the benefits of telecommuting jobs for cancer patients and survivors - flexible hours to work around doctor appointments, working from home to help manage side effects, etc. If you're looking for flexible work, here are a few tips for interviewing for a remote job from an Idealist blog.
Read MoreKelsey Fenton on August 26, 2014
Thank you letters are still essential to modern-day interview etiquette. Most employers will appreciate a thank you letter, if not expect one. Learn why thank you letters are especially beneficial for cancer survivors and how to write an impressive thank you letter.
Read MoreSarah Goodell on May 15, 2014
We're heading to Philly with SELF and Shiseido Cosmetics for an evening of expert career coaching and beauty tips!
Read MoreKelsey Fenton on March 10, 2014
Part Two discusses a variety of strategies to lessen the impact of unwanted information about yourself in a Google search.
Read MoreKelsey Fenton on March 6, 2014
79% of employers Google job seeks before inviting them for an interview, so monitoring your online brand is crucial. This two-part blog will discuss the steps to take to improve your online brand if you do not currently have any profiles with your name in a Google search and how to lower the impact of unfavorable items about yourself online.
Read MoreSarah Goodell on February 27, 2014
We're thrilled to announce that our brand new Job Search Toolkit is now available for free order and download! Read on for an overview of the new publication and where to order your copy today!
Read MoreSarah Goodell on February 14, 2014
This free teleconference will cover the practical and legal challenges that patients and survivors face navigating work and a diagnosis, followed by a Q&A session. Register today!
Read MoreRebecca Nellis on December 2, 2013
Although it’s illegal for employers to ask specifics about health, it’s not out of the ordinary for them to inquire about a gap in employment during an interview. To make sure you stay in control and feel prepared, it’s wise to decide ahead of time what you will say.
Read MoreRebecca Nellis on November 18, 2013
For many job-seeking survivors, a big question is whether and how to address your cancer in an interview.
Read MoreEva LaManna on September 27, 2013
The NY Times explores whether or not to disclose a hidden disability in a job interview.
Read MoreAmy Coleman on April 22, 2013
In today's job market, it's imperative to be able to effectively communicate your value as a potential employee in 15 seconds or less.
Read MoreSarah Goodell on January 10, 2013
There are tons of questions to consider when preparing for an interview, but which ones are the most critical?
Read MoreSarah Goodell on November 27, 2012
We recently added two new articles under the Looking for Work section of our website - Mock Interviews and Interviewing Methods and Tips. Read about some of the highlights and then go check them out yourself!
Read MoreAmy Coleman on November 26, 2012
Change is a constant. And with 2013 just around the corner, this time of year is ripe for change. Whether you're investigating new job opportunities or an employee looking to get ahead and grow within your company, be sure you familiarize yourself with these must-have skills for 2013 that are imperative in an evolving economy & job market.
Read MoreAlice McKenney on June 8, 2012
Networking, resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn. If you’re like many other people, the idea of doing all of these things simultaneously can be daunting. Our videos can help!
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