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Power Shift: Employees Have The Upper Hand

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 12, 2021

We all know that the pandemic changed the landscape of work and looking for work. For the first time, workers are gaining more control over their employment.

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LGBTQIA+ Job Search Resources

Brian Morvant on June 29, 2021

We've compiled a list of resources we hope will specifically help our LGBTQIA+ community in assessing company culture during the job search.

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Answering Interview Questions About Remote Work

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 14, 2021

The Coronavirus pandemic impacted many aspects of the job search. This includes the types of questions being asked in interviews by hiring managers. Familiarizing yourself with some of the questions that have become more likely will help you be more prepared.

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Taking Advantage of Remote Work Opportunities

Sissy Silva on June 10, 2021

While some companies are now starting to, or considering, asking their employees to return to on-site work, many more are making working from home a permanent fixture. This could be great news for patients and survivors looking for remote work, or those looking to continue working remotely while balancing work and cancer.

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Taking Steps Towards a New Professional Path

Nicole Franklin, MPH on March 31, 2021

The drive to find work that is personally fulfilling is something that many people strive towards but can become even more of a priority after facing a life-changing experience–like a cancer diagnosis.

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Earning Money While Looking For Work

Nicole Franklin, MPH on January 28, 2021

If you’re unemployed and job hunting, figuring out how to earn extra money in the interim might be an appealing prospect. The good news is there are ways to bring in extra earnings while you look for more permanent employment!

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New Year, New Job Search!

Maddy Meislin on December 23, 2020

With the new year approaching, now is a great time to revamp your job search. CAC is committed to providing expert programs and interactive services to help people diagnosed with cancer navigate a successful job search.

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Companies Hiring in December 2020

Brian Morvant on December 4, 2020

posted in Job Search, Jobs, LinkedIn

Keeping track of all the websites that host job listings and finding current opportunities before they have been filled can be challenging. We plan to stay on the lookout for roundups that seem current and relevant to our community, especially those that focus on a wide range of companies and job types.

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Understanding Your Interviewer's Mindset

Maddy Meislin on December 2, 2020

This blog features four ways to get in the mindset of an interviewer so you can prepare for an interview accordingly.

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Glassdoor's New Diversity & Inclusion Rating

Brian Morvant on November 16, 2020

posted in Job Hunting, Job Search

Glassdoor is a website we frequently recommend for helping with your job search, and has recently added a feature to help get a sense of a company's diversity & inclusion.

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How to Sharpen Your Skills with Online Classes

Sissy Silva on July 13, 2020

Education has changed dramatically in the last decade with the rise of e-learning. This trend has become even more prominent during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the new realities of 2020, people are adapting as best as they can; connecting virtually and finding online resources to help them continue to work and learn from home.

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Pursuing Remote Work During & Beyond COVID-19

Nicole Franklin, MPH on June 15, 2020

If you’re interested in finding a job that allows you to work remotely either full-time or most of the time, then you have to start thinking about the best ways to position yourself when applying for those roles.

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Hiring During COVID-19

Sissy Silva on June 8, 2020

While much of the United States continues to practice social distancing, many employers looking to fill open positions are opting for a virtual hiring process. As a result, job seekers will have to adapt their job search strategies in order to successfully land the job.

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Changing Career During COVID-19

Maddy Meislin on June 1, 2020

Learn tips to market yourself for a new career during COVID-19 and beyond.

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Refreshing Your Digital Footprint While Sheltering in Place

Rebecca Nellis on May 14, 2020

This week we hosted a virtual program on job search and one of the questions that came up was what constitutes inappropriate content online. From our perspective inappropriate doesn’t necessarily mean bad, it is rather about considering anything you have posted through the context of what is valuable and helpful for you to have online right now.

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Job Hunting During COVID-19

Sissy Silva on May 11, 2020

Just as many companies have had to adapt to the new realities of a post-COVID-19 world, job seekers will have to adapt their job search strategies in order to successfully land the job.

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Smart Ways to Attract Recruiters to Your LinkedIn Profile During COVID-19

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on May 1, 2020

COVID-19 has impacted job seekers ability to do one of the most important aspects of the job search process: networking. Just because cocktail mixers, job fairs, and in-person informational interviews may be stalled for now, that doesn't mean the ability to network is gone! LinkedIn is your friend in times like these.

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Laid Off Due to COVID-19? Here's What You Can Do.

Nicole Franklin, MPH on April 13, 2020

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While it’s essential to find ways to maintain your well-being and alleviate stress during this time, it’s also important to know what steps you can take after suddenly losing your job.

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Taking The Time To Work On Your Resume During COVID-19

Rebecca Nellis on April 9, 2020

Even small tasks may feel challenging in the times we're currently in of social distancing, isolation from loved ones, and the uncertainty of the future. This doesn't mean the time can't be used productively to help you feel more positive and prepared for what comes next.

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