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The Flexibility Question: Exploring Company Culture Before You Accept the Job

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 1, 2016

For cancer survivors who are returning to the work force or changing careers, landing in a work environment with an open and flexible company culture can be a top priority. But is it possible to get a sense of how flexible a potential employer <em>really</em> is before you accept an offer?

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Social Media Smarts: Mistakes to Avoid!

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 18, 2016

For many, social media has become a staple in our lives. With the addition of LinkedIn, the usage has expanded from a socializing tool, to including a professional and career-oriented aspect. However, it's important to keep in mind: what goes online, stays online. Here are some common mistakes to keep in mind during the job search.

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Don’t Take Job-Search Shortcuts!

Maddy Meislin on July 7, 2016

Looking for a new job is not easy. If you have cancer, it can seem even more challenging, because you’ll need to consider things related to treatment and recovery. As a result, you may feel inclined to take shortcuts, but doing so can make the process harder in the long run.

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Tips for Organizing Your Resume Based on Who You Are and Where You're Going

Sarah Goodell on July 6, 2016

A recent article in The Muse discusses the intricacies of organizing your resume — and the importance of doing so strategically.

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How to Convey Enthusiasm in a Cover Letter

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 27, 2016

Many hiring managers continue to emphasize the value of cover letters. And while it’s important to express interest and enthusiasm for the position you’re targeting, some ways of conveying excitement are more effective than others.

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Looking for Work When You’re Over 55

Maddy Meislin on June 23, 2016

A CNBC article includes advice from experts on strategies candidates 55 years and older can use to reinvent themselves and re-enter the workforce.

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4 Nosy Interview Questions You Should Be Asking

Sarah Goodell on May 26, 2016

posted in Interview, Job Search

As we’ve all heard, it’s helpful to show up to an interview with a well-thought-out list of questions about the position and company. But there are some questions that many of us are nervous to bring up; and while some of these should definitely be avoided, others are just fine — and, in fact, very important — to ask.

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The Right Approach to Networking

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on May 23, 2016

In an age when so much of the job-search process is conducted online, the importance of standing out becomes all too clear. Using networking as a tool to develop relationships with potential employers can help distinguish you from the thousands of other job-seekers out there and ultimately land you the position you want.

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Emotions of a Career Change

Maddy Meislin on May 19, 2016

A recent article published in the Harvard Business Review discusses some of the common emotional effects that can accompany career transition.

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When Looking for a Job, Don’t Forget the Common Sense

Chrissy Brennan on May 17, 2016

Job-hunting is a multi-step process. Because it’s so involved — and can often take longer than we want — sometimes common sense gets lost in the shuffle.

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What to Do Right Before an Interview

Kelsey Fenton on May 9, 2016

posted in Interview, Job Search

Here are some tips on how to use the last few minutes before you meet with a prospective employer, to get in the right mindset and ace the interview!

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A Simple Mental Shift Can Help Make Networking Easier

Sarah Goodell on May 3, 2016

posted in Job Search, Networking

If networking makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. But it’s an essential part of the job-search process and it can help you get back to work if you’ve taken time off for treatment and recovery after a cancer diagnosis. Read on for tips on how to make networking easier.

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Resume Review Service: Best Practices

Maddy Meislin on March 21, 2016

Since 2013, Cancer and Careers has been working with professional career coach Julie Jansen to provide free, personalized feedback on more than 450 cancer survivors’ resumes through our Resume Review service. This year, we are excited to have L’Oreal USA sponsoring the program, so we can reach even more job-seeking survivors!

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Answering Tough Interview Questions

Rebecca Nellis on March 7, 2016

posted in Interview, Job Search

The “gap” question is probably the one that most often poses a challenge for cancer survivors during an interview. But there are other questions that might trip you up if you haven't spent time thinking about how to address them. Below are a few examples — plus sample responses — to get you started. Of course there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

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Happiest Companies — According to You

Maddy Meislin on February 29, 2016

Forbes recently published an article on The 25 Happiest Companies to Work for in 2015 based on eight factors that impact professional happiness. However, as a cancer patient or survivor, what is important to you in the workplace may be different than it is for someone else.

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Webinar Recap: Career Change

Rachel Becker, LMSW on February 22, 2016

In February 2016, our Balancing Work & Cancer Webinar Series turned its focus to the subject of career change. Led by expert career coach Julie Jansen, this 60-minute session explored the ways cancer survivors can empower themselves toward making a work transition.

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Top 100 Companies in 2016 for Flexible Work

Kelsey Fenton on February 9, 2016

FlexJobs recently released its third annual list of top companies with remote jobs. This is a great resource if you're looking for telecommute-friendly positions that will help make treatment side effects easier to handle while working.

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Finding the Job First

Maddy Meislin on February 3, 2016

As we all know, applying for a job through an online or public job posting can be extremely competitive. However, a recent Mediabistro article offers strategies to help you find out about a position before everyone else does.

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Want to Work From Home? It's Getting Easier in 2016

Sarah Goodell on January 28, 2016

Good news for cancer patients and survivors who need more flexible work options: the number of flexible job openings continued to grow in the US in 2015. FlexJobs' annual year-end assessment of flexible jobs/telecommuting found that the number of employees who spend some time telecommuting is increasing as well.

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Addressing the Financial Burdens of Survivorship

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on January 25, 2016

Cancer survival rates have been steadily increasing over the last few decades thanks to improvements in research and treatment. While this, of course, is fantastic news it also brings about new complexities associated with surviving cancer.

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