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Registration for National Conference on Work & Cancer Now Open!

Alice McKenney on March 15, 2011

posted in CAC Event

We are thrilled to announce that registration is officially open for the first ever National Conference on Work & Cancer! The day-long event will take place on June 17th, 2011 at the Desmond Tutu Center in New York City.

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Spa Week Spring 2011 - Benefiting CAC!

Devon Slauenwhite on March 11, 2011

Spa Week will be taking place April 11th-17th all over the country. Participating spas are offering $50 massages, facials, and other spa treatments with a portion of the proceeds benefiting Cancer and Careers.

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Practical Advice and Tools for Balancing Cancer and Employment

Melissa DeLeo on March 9, 2011

Thursday March 3rd marked the first session of our 2011 accredited Educational Series for Healthcare Professionals, “Practical Advice and Tools to Balance Cancer and Employment.” And, what a success it was!

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Welcome to our shiny new website!

Kate Sweeney on March 1, 2011

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Check out's new look. We’ve rebuilt our site to make it easier for you to find information, share stories, build community.

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Look! In the Sky!

Melissa DeLeo on February 24, 2011

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It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the CLRC! The Cancer Legal Resource Center might as well be a caped super hero. They are our crusaders against confusion; our fearless fighters in the legal field; our defenders against discrimination. And this year, they are taking flight! Traveling coast to coast making life better for cancer patients and survivors

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Clearing up the Insurance Confusion

Melissa DeLeo on February 17, 2011

posted in Health Insurance

HMO…PPO…COPAY…COBRA...oh my! If you’re like me, the world of insurance lingo and policy conditions can feel like you’re standing in the middle of Macy’s on Christmas Eve—confusing, sweat inducing and wishing you could find a lifeboat out of there. But no worries, take a deep breath, we can get through this together.

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Ask The Experts: Legal and Career Advice

Alice McKenney on February 14, 2011

posted in Ask The Experts

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand new program for patients and survivors:

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Networking Even After Losing Touch

Rebecca Nellis on February 10, 2011

posted in Networking

I am the first person to admit that the word networking makes me shudder with displeasure. I like things to be authentic and organic and there is something about “networking” that screams awkward and slightly fake.

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For Those Who Aren't Steve Jobs

Andrew Jacob on February 7, 2011

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Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, is taking his third leave of absence in the past seven years to undergo treatment for what the press assumes is a recurrence of pancreatic cancer (there are no formal statements yet). Already Apple executives and the general public are calling for his return to work.

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Calling all Healthcare Professionals!

Melissa DeLeo on February 4, 2011

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Do your patients ask for guidance on working through treatment? Do you wish you had better answers? If you've answered yes to both of these questions, don't worry, the answers are only a click away. At Cancer and Careers' free three-part series of teleconferences/webinars you will learn how to advise your patients

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Dealing with Chemo Brain at Work

Alice McKenney on January 27, 2011

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A few months ago, our friend Joanna Morales from the Cancer Legal Resource Center was interviewed for The Huffington Post about workplace protections for those suffering from “chemo brain.”

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Time to Better Understand Healthcare Reform!

Rebecca Nellis on January 24, 2011

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I know many of us are still trying to wrap our heads around the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and what it really means for us as individuals, especially as the new Congress comes in and the debates about its value rage on.

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Hello, Houston!

Kate Sweeney on January 18, 2011

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One of the great things about having CAC staff in multiple locations is, if there’s a monster snowstorm in one city, someone on the CAC team can still get to our events around the country — like I did last week.

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You: Chairman of Your Own Board

Kate Sweeney on January 13, 2011

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One of my favorite pieces of advice from our career coaches is to assemble your own board of directors during your job hunt or change.

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Thank You!

Devon Slauenwhite on January 10, 2011

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As the New Year begins, we just want to say thank you for making 2010 an extraordinary year for Cancer and Careers.

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Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Melissa DeLeo on January 6, 2011

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Hot Off The Presses! Cancer and Careers is thrilled to unveil two of our latest and greatest publications. It is our hope that these new resources will serve and support all working people wth cancer.

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Thinking about a new year's career change?

Alice McKenney on January 3, 2011

posted in Career Change

Being diagnosed with cancer can sometimes cause a course direction when it comes to your job and career choices. For some, it becomes a time to regroup and re-evaluate next steps in the employment arena.

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When Your Coworker/Friend Has Cancer

Alice McKenney on December 23, 2010

posted in Coworker

Cancer in the workplace can cause a shift in normal operations. When a coworker is diagnosed with cancer, these shifts can be slight or vast depending upon the type of work, the work culture, the individual diagnosed and your relationship with that person.

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Meet the Staff: Melissa DeLeo

Melissa DeLeo on December 9, 2010

posted in Meet the Staff

Hi! I am Melissa DeLeo and I couldn't be more thrilled to be joining Cancer and Careers as Program Coordinator.

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Colon Cancer Alliance Employment and Cancer Webinar

Alice McKenney on December 6, 2010

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The Colon Cancer Alliance, in partnership with Cancer and Careers and The Cancer Legal Resource Center, presents their Employment and Cancer webinar next Tuesday, December 14th.

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