Finding the right career is like finding the right pair of jeans. Boot-cut, flair, faded, destroyed, cropped—the list goes on and on. But when the fit…well, fits, not only do you look good - you feel good.
The same is true of your career. Whether you are shopping for a new job or hoping to invigorate your current role, you need to approach it with patience, style and a clear sense of who you are. Simply stated, become self-aware. Gaining an objective understanding of your abilities, preferences, values and interests is a fundamental step in determining your best career fit. You wouldn’t step outside without checking that reflection in the mirror, would you?
Julie Jansen, Executive and Career Coach and Author, is one of Cancer and Career’s most trusted, go-to resources for career coaching, development and knowledge. At Julie’s interactive presentation this past June at Cancer and Career’s National Work and Cancer Conference, Julie posed some incredibly stimulating questions to her audience. Following the Conference, Julie’s captivated and motivated listeners requested that we post the questions on our website. So here they are. Ask yourself these questions and see how many of your responses are "yeses". It may shed some light on what’s missing or important for you and your career path. They may help lead you to that perfect, dare I say tailored, fit.
- Do you really like and accept who you are?
- Are you able to not take mistakes or setbacks personally and view them as learning experiences?
- Do you believe that you deserve the best that life has to offer?
- Can you easily make a list of eight accomplishments in your work and personal life in the last five years?
- Do you express your opinions and feelings openly?
- Do you really trust your intuition or “gut” and follow what it tells you?
- Are you able to visualize what you want or need and make it happen?
- Do you feel proud of yourself when you overcome obstacles or improve something about yourself?
- Are you conscious of how important your image (demeanor, appearance, and the way you act and communicate) is?
- Do you accept compliments graciously and without discomfort?
- Do you enjoy feeling successful?
- Do you say “No” to other people when you need to?
- Do you realize that you do not need to be liked by everyone in your life at all times?
- Do you avoid magnifying the negative aspects of things?
Now are you the one with a list of questions? If so please visit our Career Coaching page where you can get answers from Cancer and Careers' professional career coaches by starting a discussion or read posts from your peers on topics like planning, communication strategies and career change. Also, feel free to register for our next Ask the Experts teleconference with Julie Jansen herself.