Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 19, 2018
Do you really know how your online data is used by the social media giants like Facebook, Google and Microsoft? Get educated and learn how to protect your information online.
Read MoreRachel Becker, LMSW on November 13, 2017
Many survivors have questions about whether and how to disclose their cancer diagnosis during the job-search process. But for those who find themselves back in the job market due to a termination, another question surfaces: How do I explain why I left my last job? Here are some tips for answering this question.
Read MoreGrace Blumberg, LMSW on October 23, 2017
Having too much work can be overwhelming and can impact your job performance, especially if you’re working through treatment or easing back into the workplace. These tips can help guide a productive conversation with your boss about your workload.
Read MoreGrace Blumberg, LMSW on August 7, 2017
Interviewing for a new job can be stressful. Composing and practicing answers to possible questions in advance enables you to navigate an interview with ease; it can also reduce your chances of getting caught off guard by questions you are not legally obligated to answer.
Read MoreGrace Blumberg, LMSW on June 26, 2017
These useful tips can help you navigate your career path — no matter where you are.
Read MoreRachel Becker, LMSW on February 6, 2017
Emotional Intelligence, also known as EQ, refers to our ability to understand and manage our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. EQ plays a very important role in the context of our professional lives, and this is particularly true when it comes to balancing work and cancer.
Read MoreChrissy B. on October 10, 2016
We are so excited to be returning to Los Angeles to share our information and resources in person with those in the area who need it.
Read MoreMaddy Meislin on September 29, 2016
Employer wellness programs are becoming an increasingly popular way to create happier and healthier employees and more productive workplaces. But while such programs may provide potential health and cost benefits, it’s important to note that the information collected for employer-sponsored programs is not covered under health privacy laws.
Read MoreMaddy Meislin on September 8, 2016
The decision to disclose your diagnosis to an employer is personal, but if you choose to do so, gathering all the information you can beforehand in order to create an action plan is an important step in the process.
Read MoreNicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 8, 2016
The proliferation of social media around the world is undeniable. Regardless of age, race, sex or socioeconomic status, people's use of social media tools is widespread. How is this technology impacting the lives of individuals with cancer?
Read MoreNicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 18, 2016
For many, social media has become a staple in our lives. With the addition of LinkedIn, the usage has expanded from a socializing tool, to including a professional and career-oriented aspect. However, it's important to keep in mind: what goes online, stays online. Here are some common mistakes to keep in mind during the job search.
Read MoreRachel Becker, LMSW on May 12, 2016
It can be very useful to find instant answers to treatment-related questions via Google, but it’s important to remember that searching cancer-related topics while on the job can lead to unintended workplace disclosure.
Read MoreChrissy B. on April 11, 2016
On June 17th Cancer and Careers will hold its sixth annual National Conference on Work & Cancer, featuring our core content on balancing work and employment, as well as new sessions and speakers on topics such as body image/self-confidence and nutrition.
Read MoreRebecca Nellis on March 17, 2016
Dear Amy, I am writing to you from Cancer and Careers, a 15-year-old national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping cancer patients and survivors navigate the issues related to work and cancer, in response to a recent Ask Amy post you published regarding a question from “Recovering” about his/her skin cancer scar.
Read MoreRachel Becker, LMSW on January 21, 2016
Whether you’re in the midst of an ongoing job search or starting a new one, now is the time to harness the energy of the new year and strategize for 2016.
Read MoreRachel Becker, LMSW on November 2, 2015
You are the world’s leading authority on your life and work. When mapping a plan for working through treatment, it’s important to marry your expertise with that of various members of your healthcare team.
Read MoreMaddy Meislin on October 8, 2015
One of the biggest challenges employees with cancer face is deciding whether to share their diagnosis with their employer and/or coworkers — then determining what and whom to tell.
Read MoreMaddy Meislin on June 24, 2015
Though we normally share “work & cancer” stories on our Newsfeed, this week we wanted to take a more in-depth look at a one story that has been all over the media — that of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, who recently disclosed his cancer diagnosis.
Read MoreSarah Goodell on June 18, 2015
We hosted our first ever Tweetchat on addressing cancer at work on Tuesday, June 16th 2015! The chat was co-moderated by Flexjobs and 90 participants joined us over the course of the chat and the days leading up to it to discuss the nuances of working during and after treatment.
Read MoreKelsey Fenton on March 10, 2014
Part Two discusses a variety of strategies to lessen the impact of unwanted information about yourself in a Google search.
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