Sarah Goodell on January 17, 2014
When you get a new job, you want to make sure that you start off strong. Idealist recently posted an article with some great tips to set yourself up for success.
Read MoreAmy Coleman on December 9, 2013
According to a new study out of Carnegie Mellon University, between 10% and one third of US employers seeking new talent search social networks for info early on in hiring process.
Read MoreRebecca Nellis on November 18, 2013
For many job-seeking survivors, a big question is whether and how to address your cancer in an interview.
Read MoreEva LaManna on November 14, 2013
Our new article on mastering your cover letter discusses some issues survivors face and offers tips for getting your foot in the door.
Read MoreSarah Goodell on November 11, 2013
Do you feel like you have a pretty good idea of how to use LinkedIn? A recent article on Forbes lists five new strategies to help you get the most out of this versatile tool.
Read MoreSarah Goodell on October 24, 2013
One of the most popular downloads on in the past few weeks has been of a list of questions to help find your passion and dream job. Read about their recommendations and the top questions to ask yourself here.
Read MoreEva LaManna on September 27, 2013
The NY Times explores whether or not to disclose a hidden disability in a job interview.
Read MoreSarah Goodell on September 23, 2013
Thinking about a second career? Hiring a mentor can help you get there and is easier than ever with a new service that connects those seeking a career change with mentors in over 200 fields.
Read MoreEva LaManna on September 13, 2013
A recent study sheds light on cancer survivors' ability to return to work following treatment.
Read MoreSarah Goodell on September 9, 2013
Job references are a critical part of a job search, so be sure to thoroughly prepare your reference and not to let these common mistakes derail a prospective job offer.
Read MoreEva LaManna on September 5, 2013
How do you ensure that your cover letter not only imparts all necessary information, but is strong enough to get you through to the next round? Read on to learn more.
Read MoreAmy Coleman on August 29, 2013
Whether you telecommute around the world or work from a home office, striking a balance between your work and personal lives is no easy feat.
Read MoreEva LaManna on August 5, 2013
During July's Ask The Experts teleconference a number of questions came up regarding how to handle treatment side effects at work. Take a look at what our panel of experts had to say.
Read MoreAmy Coleman on July 29, 2013
Once you've coped with cancer, life isn't the same. Read one woman's story and some other thoughts on a cancer journey as inspiration for change.
Read MoreCancer and Careers Guest Blogger on July 15, 2013
Read on for seven steps to creating a successful career by our expert career coach Bud Bilanich.
Read MoreAmy Coleman on June 25, 2013
You'd be hard-pressed to find a professional job opportunity that doesn't require solid communication skills. But remember - communication goes well beyond words.
Read MoreSarah Goodell on June 11, 2013
A recent study found that while hard skills can land you the job, an increasing number of companies are looking for soft skills as well from job candidates.
Read MoreAmy Coleman on May 13, 2013
We're thrilled to announce the completion of our How-To video series made possible through a generous grant from the Laura Mercier Ovarian Cancer Fund!
Read MoreAmy Coleman on April 22, 2013
In today's job market, it's imperative to be able to effectively communicate your value as a potential employee in 15 seconds or less.
Read MoreAmy Coleman on April 5, 2013
Your resume probably won’t get you the job, but it could get you the interview. CareerBuilder recently came out with a great infographic that's chock-full of tips & tricks to help guide the resume-crafting process.
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