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Answering Interview Questions About Remote Work

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 14, 2021

The Coronavirus pandemic impacted many aspects of the job search. This includes the types of questions being asked in interviews by hiring managers. Familiarizing yourself with some of the questions that have become more likely will help you be more prepared.

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Coping with COVID-19 and Chemo Brain

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on April 13, 2021

Chemo brain is also called brain fog, but did you know that you don't need to have gone through chemotherapy in order to experience it? Learn more about causes, symptoms, and what can be done.

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Managing Financial Stress

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on March 1, 2021

Feeling worried about your bills after your cancer diagnosis and the pandemic? Check out our tips for approaching your financial stress in a manageable and effective way.

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Spotlight: Chris-Tia Donaldson

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on February 17, 2021

Cancer and Careers looks at the career, life, and influence of Chris-Tia Donaldson, a CEO and cancer survivor.

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Disclosure in the Workplace: When is it Appropriate?

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on January 18, 2021

Explore the various considerations when deciding to disclose an illness in the workplace, and understand how to weigh the benefits and consequences.

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Smart Ways to Attract Recruiters to Your LinkedIn Profile During COVID-19

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on May 1, 2020

COVID-19 has impacted job seekers ability to do one of the most important aspects of the job search process: networking. Just because cocktail mixers, job fairs, and in-person informational interviews may be stalled for now, that doesn't mean the ability to network is gone! LinkedIn is your friend in times like these.

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Companies Are Still Hiring Despite COVID-19, Here's Where to Look!

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on April 3, 2020

Though it would appear the majority of companies are in the process of major layoffs and wide-scale closures, there are still some companies that are able to survive, and even thrive through this economic downshift.

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Don't Give Up on Your Job Search During the Coronavirus Pandemic | Cancer and Careers

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on March 30, 2020

posted in Job Hunting, Job Search

The pandemic has had an impact on nearly every single aspect of American's lives, this includes if you were in the midst of a job search, or are finding yourself in need of work now. While the process may look a bit different, it doesn't mean you should necessarily put it on hold.

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Will You Like Working at That Company? Here's How to Tell

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on March 16, 2020

Starting a new job is full of unknowns. Check out these tips for evaluating, before you start at a new company, if you'll enjoy working there.

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What Impact Is Your Online Presence Having on Your Career?

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on February 18, 2020

Social media is here, and it's here to stay. Understanding best practices for using it in your personal life can extend to security and stability in your professional life.

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How to Safely Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” During an Interview

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on November 25, 2019

You’ve been job-hunting and you’ve secured an interview. In preparation, find out what you need to know about disclosure during interviews and how to reply to the dreaded “Tell me about yourself...”

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How to Master Both Hard Skills & Soft Skills

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on October 28, 2019

There are many steps to the job-search process, but one of the most important is to spend time looking inward and assessing what you can offer as a potential job candidate. We tell you how.

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How to Disclose an Invisible Disability at Work

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on September 23, 2019

Having a disability that can’t be seen can present unique challenges in the workplace — including deciding whether to disclose. Here are steps for approaching the process.

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Making the Argument for Working Remotely

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 26, 2019

When you have cancer, performing your job remotely can save you the time and energy you need to continue to be productive at work. Here’s how to approach your boss with the idea...

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What Is FMLA Leave and How Do You Take It?

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 5, 2019

There are a variety of reasons why one would need to take a leave of absence from work — cancer patients, in particular, know this all too well. Thankfully, the Family and Medical Leave Act was designed to address some of these situations. Find out more...

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How to Request Accommodations During a Job Search

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on July 1, 2019

Job-searching can pose challenges, but job-searching with cancer can make those challenges feel insurmountable. Thankfully there are protections available to job-seekers, some of which are applicable even before they’re hired.

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Useful Tips for Managing Work-Related Stress

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on May 20, 2019

Work-related stress is common and often unavoidable. However, learning techniques to combat and manage stress on the job can positively impact productivity and foster a healthy, balanced life.

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How to Refresh Your Career and Job Search

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on May 13, 2019

Feeling like your job search and/or career is stagnant? Here are some tips on how to take a fresh approach!

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Commonly Held Beliefs About Job-Hunting That Are Complete Myths

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on April 1, 2019

When setting out on the job hunt, it is easy to be inundated with advice and best practices. While much of that information can be helpful, it's important to be able to distinguish between good, practical advice and inaccurate or irrelevant guidance. Read on for which commonly held job hunting beliefs are actually not true!

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How to Update Your LinkedIn Profile in 2019

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on February 4, 2019

Looking to improve your presence on LinkedIn? Check out these suggestions for updating your profile in 2019.

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