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Digital Mindfulness And How It Can Help With Burnout At Work

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on June 10, 2024

No matter how much you love your job, everyone needs a mental break from time to time. With the rise in constant communication software for work, like Slack, email, texts, zoom -- it's easy to fall into the trap of never getting out of 'work mode'. Read on for how to implement a healthier approach to work in the digital age.

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11th Annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer: Recap

Scott Sinclair on March 27, 2024

Last week we held our 11th annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer. We were joined by 261 attendees (our second highest to date) who were made up of patients, survivors, healthcare/nonprofit/HR professionals, managers, coworkers, family members and friends.

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