WhatNext is a growing online support network of people and organizations for those affected by cancer. This unique site uses breakthrough technology to connect survivors and patients with instant access to peers, perspectives, recommendations, expert opinions and resources – based on their specific situation. Using information that members share about themselves, including stage, treatment, role, age, and geography, WhatNext matches patients and survivors to those in the network who are most like them, saving all that time spent sorting through irrelevant profiles and content.
WhatNext recently chose our very own Director of Programs Rebecca Nellis to give expert advice on disclosure, employment and cancer. The blog highlights issues including who to tell, when to tell, and what information you might want to disclose to employers and coworkers, such as diagnosis, prognosis, and course of treatment. The entire article can be found here.
There are also several other websites out there for patients and survivors who are interested in online networking, including Stupid Cancer and Planet Cancer forums for young adults, I Had Cancer for survivors, fighters, and caregivers, and TalkAboutHealth, where those affected by breast cancer can find a growing support community.
These online communities are without a doubt invaluable resources, offering both emotional support and hard-to-find information. However, before you post or blog anything personal online, don't forget to inform yourself about how your online activity can affect your career. To read more about building and protecting your image online, click here.