In 2012, researchers in Texas conducted an online survey to get a sense of survivors' employment-related needs. While nearly all of the respondents reached out to general cancer advocacy organizations for information, the authors indicated that survivors, employers and healthcare professionals would greatly benefit from resources more tailored to employment. Because the realm of employment-related needs in survivorship is so intricate, it's that much more imperative to offer accessible, targeted information.
This truly aligns with some of the results from our 2012 research study and what's at the heart of our program - providing resources to such a unique population at all intersections of the work and cancer dialogue. The information needs for those who are working through treatment look a bit different than for those who are returning to their job or even looking for work. With this in mind, we hope to reach even more healthcare professionals and survivors with the addition of a new program aimed at providing current and vital info on the Affordable Care Act.
Additionally, to better serve the ever-growing needs of survivors who are in the job search process, we've expanded our job search resources - a new edition of the Job Search Toolkit will be available for order or download by the beginning of February, and registration opens for our new Job Search Calls: Tips, Tricks & Tools teleconference around then too.