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Sarah Jacoby - December 2023
NBC News correspondent Antonia Hylton has been noticing stomach issues for 2 years, but dismissed them as a result of constant travel for work. "I travel, I'm on planes (and) maybe I don't have the best diet. But I love what I do, so it's worth it and I'm not going to let these symptoms hold me back." She knew black people have the highest rate of colon cancer in the US, and had a family history of colon cancer, so she went to a specialist for a colonoscopy. Her doctor discovered a polyp that turned out to be a neuroendocrine tumor.
"I love my job. I worked hard here at NBC, and I'm not going to stop doing that. But I've learned the lesson that I really need to put my health first and not push these things off."
Hylton had a series of procedures to remove tissue and screenings to see if the cancer had spread. The last can showed she is all clear.
Read more of Hylton's story here.
Original source: www.today.com