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Yousra Zaki - July 2020
After Sophia Bakkal was diagnosed with breast and bone cancer in a span of seven years, her outlook on work, family and life shifted tremendously. Inspired by her cancer experience and desire to find something more fulfilling, she decided to leave her corporate job and become a certified life coach.
Referring to her motivation to switch careers after cancer, she said, “A few years ago, I was not fulfilled. I felt like I had no direction, then I went to a life coaches and it changed my life. They helped me figure out what was missing. That’s when I decided that I also wanted to help people this way.”
Sophia decided to redefine her professional needs and desires after two life-altering diagnoses and start her own coaching company and says she couldn’t feel luckier.
To hear more about Sophia’s work and cancer journey:
Original source: gulfnews.com