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Elise Sole - August 2018
Robert Goodman, a 23-year history teacher at Palm Beach Gardens Community High School in Florida was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in April of this year. After major surgery, he was prescribed six months of chemotherapy and medications. Goodman knew he'd need to heal, but was concerned about his lack of sick time remaining from his job.
Goodman put a heartfelt plea out on Facebook to see if any local friends and teachers would be willing to donate the 20 sick days he would need in order to qualify for a catastrophic leave of absence. Much to his happy surprise, after four days, Goodman had received enough sick days from employees in his school district to cover him for an entire semester.
According to Goodman, "these people could have saved their sick days to cash out when they retire - instead, they gave them to me...there is so much dialogue and humanity happening. It's healing."
For more on the generosity and support Goodman received, click here.
Original source: finance.yahoo.com