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RCN - June 2017
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has produced a manual so nursing staff can help patients stay in or return to work. The RCN has found that men with cancer need more support to stay in and return to the workplace. The project has been funded by the Burdett Nursing Trust and the launch coincides with men's health week. The manual can also be used by nurses working with employers and managers to help them support their employees effectively.
With research showing that men are 16% more likely than women to develop cancer, it's really important they have access to tailored advice and information. as RCN research and innovation manager Dr. Ann McMahon stated, "a cancer diagnosis no longer means something must leave their job - yet this is still the assumption of many employers...nursing staff are in a prime position to help men and their employers, this manual will give them the tools they need to help many more men stay in employment."
For more on RCN's manual and proactive steps to support men with cancer in the workplace, click here.
Original source: www.rcn.org.uk