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Maimah Karmo - November 2017
Having been diagnosed with Stage 2B Triple Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer just before turning 42, Tara Cernacek recalls being frightened. Her fears surrounded not being able to work, and thus losing the health insurance that would cover her treatments. However, Tara pushed through and continued working through the majority of her treatment to sustain what she refers to as feeling "normal". Unfortunately, Tara was let go from her job, but this helped her to realize that she needed her work for more than just the financial security and health insurance, she needed it to feel accomplished.
Tara has acted as a patient advocate for Cancer and Careers in an effort to share her experience and the tools that helped her when she needed to talk with her boss and co-workers, as well as when she needed to look for a new job after being let go. Despite of, or perhaps because of, her experience, Tara decided that "warrior" is the one word to best describe herself.
For more on Tara's journey and experience, click here!
Original source: www.huffingtonpost.com