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Doug Williams - October 2017
Slowly but surely Chelsea Beaumonte's hair and strength have begun to return following her bout with breast cancer. After nearly a year of chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and numerous medical appointments, Beaumonte is inching towards normal, or rather, her new normal.
She's returned to her job as a flight attendant, which helps in her desire to get more out of every day and return to some semblance of her life before cancer. She's driven by the ability to instill hope in others and her gratefulness for the support she received during treatment has pushed her to want to pay it forward.
Recalling the ordeal, Beaumonte states, "I just took all the strength I've seen in those people throughout my life and just ran with it."
For more on her cancer journey, and return to 'normalcy', click here.
Original source: www.sandiegouniontribune.com