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Nick Summerton - September 2016
In an article for SHP, Dr. Nick Summerton discusses how to help cancer survivors return to work. According to the article, you’re twice as likely to survive for ten years after receiving a cancer diagnosis today than you would have been 40 years ago. The increase in survival rates is amazing, but creates challenges in getting back to work and life.
Dr. Summerton discusses the increasing number of cancer survivors in England and why it's imperative to help them get back to work and normal life as much as possible. He explains that this can be difficult, with the stigma around cancer still very much prevalent today, saying "A culture change is needed in terms of attitudes to people with cancer generally, and particularly in the workplace. It’s estimated that more than a third of people living with cancer are adults of working age (under 65). As more people work for longer, the more significant the issue and the greater the importance of understanding among occupational health and HR professionals."
This culture of change is something that we advocate for every day at Cancer and Careers.
For the full article, click here.
Original source: www.shponline.co.uk