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CTV Atlantic - July 2016
Lynne Robinson, an associate professor at Dalhousie University, has teamed up with Saint Mary's University to study how to better support working women who have a cancer diagnosis. Her mother and sister both had breast cancer, so it is an issue close to her heart, and one in which she wishes to see changes happen.
The Work Wellness Team has created a partnership between cancer survivors, employers, insurance companies, and advocacy groups to come up with a healthy workplace response to breast cancer. Studies have shown that women are among the majority of people in precarious employment,which is employment that does not have benefits and includes shit work and part-time positions. "These are the positions where, if you get sick, you're really vulnerable" states Lucie Kocum, associate professor and the team's project manager.
For the full story, click here.
Original source: atlantic.ctvnews.ca