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Erica Francis - June 2016
The undeniable truth is cancer is extremely expensive. Experts claim that it is common for the price of treating cancer to reach $100,000. Recognizing the rising costs and the detriment this is to patients, Mercy Health Lacks Cancer Center wants to help.
Eight years ago, the hospital created a financial consultant position to work directly with cancer patients to help them navigate the financial burden of the disease. Dan Sherman was hired to fill that role. Sherman states, "The goal is to meet with them and educate on opportunities for them to decrease their out-of-pocket responsibilities."
Survival rates continue to rise, so the fear of dying is lessened, while the fear of financial obligations are causing the most stress. Sherman strongly suggests meeting with patients proactively, before the finances have piled up.
For the full story, click here.
Original source: fox17online.com