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Charlie Peters - June 2016
Though going to the Boston Medical Center regularly wasn't out of the norm for Desiree Jones-Eaves, when she began going as a patient she felt uncomfortable and felt she needed to hide her disease. When Jones-Eaves finished her treatments in the early morning, she then walked over to the BMC infectious disease clinic, where she works as a nurse.Describing her routine, "I put my wig on. I put my eyebrows on. I got dressed - I got back to work. I put on my game face and went back to work."
Jones-Eaves strength did not go unnoticed by those treating her, and eventually those she treated. She would always put her patients first, making the decision to wear a wig so she patients didn't ask her what was wrong when they needed their own treatment. Jones-Eaves credits her patients with treating her as well. "Coming to work every day meant I would worry about other people all day long, and not worry about myself...it was therapeutic," she recalls.
For the full inspiring story, click here.
Original source: www.enterprisenews.com