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Allie Norton - February 2016
Sarah Siler, a 33 year-old mother of three has been a faithful employee of North Town Mall's Chili's for 15 years. She's become a staple of the restaurant and a member of a close-knit workplace family. So when she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, the news hit many hard.
Siler's work family has banded together to raise money and try to help her along through her treatment. Though they wish they could do more, the restaurant staff, owners, and even many patrons have all made sure to put in effort to alleviate her financial stress. There have been employees picking up shifts and giving the earnings, donations of days sales, and fundraisers.
Coworker, Jessica Peden, notes "We love her, we know that she is strong and she'll pull through and if she needs anything, her Chili's family is here no matter what."
For the full story, click here.
Original source: www.kxly.com