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Collie Lane - December 2016
Veronica Solis, a daycare cook, was moved to tears when her boss surprised her with a new car. The reason? Loyalty and commitment to her work at Kids' College Learning Center at Texas.Despite a diagnosis of cancer, Solis managed to come to work through her treatment. Recently, however, she's been showing up later due to losing her car.
Solis confronted her boss about her situation and said she couldn't bear being late to work, as she found it so embarrassing, and suggested Rios begin looking for a replacement. Rios, however, had a different idea of a replacement. Instead, he decided to provide Solis with a new car, a reward for being such a faithful and diligent employee.
Rios states, "She's been very loyal to me. When she started working here, she was diagnosed with cancer. She never told anyone and never missed a day of work."
For more on the heartwarming story, click here.
Original source: www.parentherald.com