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GlassCeiling.com - September 2015
Huffington Post recently picked up an interview with our Chief Mission Officer, Rebecca Nellis, from GlassCeiling.com. In the interview, Nellis describes how Cancer and Careers has evolved and some of the challenges that working people with cancer face.
"We've tried to raise the issue of work and cancer into the public consciousness and the lexicon of things you might want to think about. Honestly, a diagnosis brings not only a mortality crisis but also an identity one for many people. Work is so closely aligned with who we are and how we learn about and judge each other that there is all this rich, emotional, psychological stuff happening as well as super practical problems that arise when you're trying to figure what to do about work or get back into the work world."
For the full interview, click here.
Original source: www.huffingtonpost.com