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Kaiser Health News - April 2015
Kaiser Health News recently wrote a piece published on HealthcareFinanceNews.com about how high-deductible health insurance plans and expensive drugs converge after a cancer diagnosis, as well as the impact on ability to work, to create hardship for many survivors.The article shares the story of Anne Koller, who was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2011:
"Koller, who lives in the Cleveland suburb of Strongsville, just turned 65 years old. She is petite and sports a stylish auburn wig. When she was able to work, Koller was in the corporate world and safely middle-class, with health insurance and plenty of savings. But when she got sick, her high deductible health plan soon became a burden."
The article goes on to discuss how it's time for oncologists to think about how the financial costs associated with the treatments they are administering are actually a side effect themselves.
For the full article, click here.
Original source: www.healthcarefinancenews.com