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Sean Fitz-Gerald - February 2015
Milan Doczy, a former Ontario Hockey League player battling cancer, shared his cancer story with several media outlets, which led to donations to help with the cost of his treatment and a couple of internship offers. The article explains, "When he was diagnosed last year, while studying business and playing varsity hockey at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ont., he was working hard toward a new career goal: Becoming an investment banker in downtown Toronto. He was on a student visa, and he was also facing a bill of more than $50,000 for the cost of his treatment." The support that has come in since he shared his story publicly was immense.
However, it's important think through the impact that disclosing a cancer diagnosis publicly may have for you down the road, particularly when it comes to Building and Protecting Your Online Image.
For the full article, click here.
Original source: news.nationalpost.com