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Kate Pickles and Caroline McGuire - December 2015
Rowena Kincaid, from Cardiff, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. Though her doctors had said she might not make it to her milestone birthday, she has made it to 40 and is celebrating with a huge party at a Castle, the main wish on her bucket list.
After being off of work for 11 months, Kincaid returned to her position as picture editor for the BBC in 2010. Though she was fatigued from chemo, she was determined to live her life with a cancer-free mentality. She recalls, "I started enjoying my life again. I was making my career work and getting somewhere with my life."
When told in 2013 that she may live for one more year, but likely not two, Kincaid set out to work on a documentary called, "Before I Kick The Bucket" to document her journey through a personal bucket list. When she began the documentary she stated, "Unfortunately, the cancer's spreading and I know I'm now living on borrowed time. I want to raise awareness about the diversity of terminal diseases and about how people live with them day-to-day."
For the full story, click here.
Original source: www.dailymail.co.uk