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Kristyn Hartman - November 2015
When Kristyn Hartman, of Ohio's 10TV, shared that she would be on leave for breast cancer surgery, she was contacted by many of her viewers. Doctors told her that some patients have said they don't want to have potentially life-saving tests because they are scared of what those tests may lead to. Thus, Hartman took it upon herself to take viewers into the operating room to de-mystify the surgery.
The surgery began at 8 a.m. and ended around 5 p.m. at which point Kryistyn woke up and began her recovery process. The reconstruction surgeon reiterated to her that "to get any cancer taken care of early is critically important...Knowledge is power." Hartman reminds her viewers once she had returned to the air, "Do not let fear stand in the way of really being well."
For the full story and video, click here.
Original source: www.10tv.com