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Barbara Tako - November 2015
Barbara Tanko, cancer survivor and clutter-clearing motivational trainer and author, struggled with blending her pre-cancer life with her post-cancer life. She wondered if her own personal career or direction was the same as it was before cancer. She found that in some ways, yes, as clutter clearing and cancer coping assisted her in improving her ability to determine and act on her life priorities.
Tanko describes a "different me" post-cancer. She finds she is quieter, listening more and speaking less. She recognizes that she is possibly more patient, persistent, and thoughtful. Though she still enjoys the work she did prior to her cancer diagnosis, helping people to de-clutter their lives, she also views it differently. "After cancer, it is now even easier for me to be more focused on simplification and priorities but somehow less interested in the details of clutter clearing. Somehow a few dust bunnies just don't matter so much any more."
For the full article, click here.
Original source: www.curetoday.com