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Amy Corderoy - September 2014
The Sydney Morning Herald discussed the findings of a report from the Australian National Breast Cancer Foundation on the impact that breast cancer has on young survivors, particularly on their careers. The CEO of the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Carole Renouf, spoke about the findings, saying "One of the most interesting things we found is the impact on career [breast cancer] can have, and that's something I'd really like to get the word out to employers about."
According to the report, which surveyed 100 Australian women and reviewed international research, "...some young breast cancer survivors are never able to return to the role they were working in when they were diagnosed." Renouf points out that " 'for about half of those women it is about the fact that they don't feel up to the physical demands of the role, and for another third it was that they didn't feel up to it emotionally.' " She went on to explain how " 'a supportive work environment is so important for those women, because work is such a large part of their identity, and their future earning potential.' "
For the full article, click here.
Original source: www.smh.com.au