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Stephen Ceasar - September 2014
A heartwarming article from the LA Times tells the story of a teacher, Carol Clark, who's colleagues donated 154 vacation days through the Catastrophic Illness Donation program to help her recover from treatment for breast cancer. Programs such as this that allow donated sick time to help coworkers can be instrumental in helping working people with cancer. Carol had tried to go back to teaching during her chemotherapy treatments but due to complications had to take time off. It didn't take long for her to go through approximately 15 years of accumulated sick time, which was when her husband set up the donation program for other staff members to pledge their vacation days to help her recover. The Clark's were overwhelmed at the outpouring of support and donations to help Carol get through her treatment and recovery. She returned to her school this month.
For the full article, click here.
For more information on various assistance programs and resources for working people with cancer, check out our Resource Database.
Original source: www.latimes.com