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Heather Millar - August 2014
If you’re a cancer patient, it’s a question that only you can answer for yourself: Should you tell your boss about your health status? Of course you’ll hear varying opinions on the topic, but as Heather Millar — she herself a member of “the cancer world” — writes: Ultimately, “that choice is yours.”
In her recent post on WebMD, Millar points out that “there is no law that says you must tell your employer.” However, “for many…probably most” patients, their cancer treatment and the resulting side effects can have a significant impact on their job.
Millar suggests getting specific information from your doctor and, if you do decide to tell your boss, writing out ahead of time what you want to say. We agree and also recommend understanding your legal rights. For the full article, click here.
Original source: blogs.webmd.com