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Eleanor Goldberg - December 2014
The Huffington Post wrote an article about Annie, a 35 year old breast cancer survivor who had to leave her job as a secretary when she was diagnosed, and has since faced a dire financial situation. The article explains that her story represents numerous cancer survivors who face economic or work-related hardships after diagnosis:
"One-third of cancer survivors in the U.S., including those with health insurance, may be experiencing economic or work-related hardships, according to a study released in October by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. What’s perhaps most troubling though, is how these struggling survivors are forced to neglect their health. According to the study, 39 percent said they didn’t have the funds to follow their treatment plan completely, which meant not filling prescriptions for some and taking less medication than prescribed for others."
For more information and resources, check out Cancer on a Shoestring and Financial Assistance for Those in Need.
For the full article, click here.
Original source: www.huffingtonpost.com