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Claire Hodgson - October 2014
Cosmopolitan shared the inspiring stories of three young women who used their cancer experiences to make positive changes in their lives. One woman, Hannah, was inspired to change careers after her cancer journey. In the article, Hannah explains how she managed work and treatment, and how she found a new career in the process:
"I worked part-time the whole way through my treatment, but when I returned full-time, life for me just wasn't the same - I didn't enjoy it as much any more. It was then that I realised my priorities had shifted and it was time for a career change. Around the same time, a job at Cancer Research came up and it felt like fate. If something good about having cancer was going to come out of it, it was that I could help people going through the same thing."
For the full article, click here.
Original source: www.cosmopolitan.co.uk