Q: What is the 2024 National Conference Technology Assistance Program (TAP)?
A: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2024 National Conference on Work & Cancer will be held virtually to prioritize the safety of attendees, speakers, and staff. We are saddened not to bring together our incredible community in person but want to ensure all who wish to join us online are able to access the critical education and expert speakers you have come to expect from us. To help cancer patients and survivors with limited access to the technologies necessary to participate in this year’s conference, we will be providing a limited number of awards which will consist of a laptop (such as a Chromebook or similar device) via this application-based program.
Q: What does the award include?
A: The award will include:
- One (1) laptop (such as a Chromebook or similar device)
Q: How do I apply?
A: Applications are available online. You can apply online by returning to our TAP Landing Page and clicking the orange "Apply Now" button.
Q: Can someone at CAC help me fill out the application?
A: Absolutely! If you need extra assistance filling out this application, or if receiving this award causes a hardship, please contact Maddy Meislin at 646-929-8041 or mmeislin@cew.org so we can help!
Q: May I submit more than one application?
A: Only one application will be accepted per person. If you submit more than one application, only the first one received will be reviewed. Awards are limited to one per household.
Q: Who is eligible to apply?
A: Awards will be limited to cancer patients and survivors only, who are residing in the U.S., at least 18 years of age and not currently enrolled in school full-time. We are unfortunately unable to accept applications from outside the U.S.
Q: What is the timeline for the Technology Assistance Program (TAP) awards?
A: The timeline is outlined below. Please note that Cancer and Careers reserves the right to edit or modify this program and timeline at any time. Award recipients will be notified by the end of May.
- Monday, April 1, 2024: TAP application goes live.
- Tuesday April 30, 2024: TAP applications close at 11:59 PM Eastern Time or once we have reached 100 valid submissions, whichever comes first. We encourage everyone who may be interested to apply as soon as possible..
- Friday June 21, 2024: National Conference on Work & Cancer, taking place entirely online via Zoom.
Q: How are award recipients notified?
A: You will be notified via email and/or phone regarding the decision on your application.
Q: If I am awarded a laptop, what happens next?
A: If your application is approved, you will be sent a contract that must be filled out in order to accept your reward. Recipients will be sent their awarded resources in advance of the conference. It is advised you setup your device as soon as you receive it to ensure it is working properly and reach out to CAC with any problems.
Q: If I am a healthcare/HR professional who works with cancer patients, am I eligible to apply for this program?
A: No, healthcare and HR professionals are not eligible to apply for this program, unless they are also a cancer patient or survivor.
For healthcare and HR professionals who are looking for professional development credits to maintain or renew their licenses or to learn more about helping their patients navigate the issues of work and cancer, we offer a number of free, accredited programs throughout the year. To learn more about our upcoming events, and how to earn free CEs, click here.
Q: What is the application process?
A: The application asks questions about your employment status, demographics, and how you will be able to make use of the award. It can take anywhere from 15-20 minutes (or more) to complete depending on the length of your responses. We encourage you to answer any open-ended questions with as much detail as you can to make your application as compelling as possible to our reviewers.
Q: What makes a strong application?
A: The strongest applications:
- Provide detailed answers to each open-ended question so reviewers can best understand who you are and what your needs are.
- Explain how cancer has specifically affected your job and/or financial situation.
- Identify a clear need for the technology.
- Expresses exactly how attending the virtual 2024 National Conference can make a difference in your life and/or work circumstances.
Q: Can I apply for the Technology Assistance Program if I received a travel scholarship for a prior Cancer and Careers conference?
A: Yes, past recipients of National, Midwest and/or West Coast Conference travel scholarships may apply.
Q: Can I apply for the Technology Assistance Program if I received a previous Technology Assistance Program award?
A: Previous Technology Assistance Program award recipients are not eligible for this program.
Q: Do I also need to complete the conference registration form?
A: All Technology Assistance Program award recipients will be automatically added to our registration list internally. If you do not receive a scholarship award, we will reach out to see if you are interested in attending and able to find an alternative means of joining us online. Please note that the conference will be accessible via phone as well.
Q: Will the information provided on my application remain private?
A: Cancer and Careers respects and is committed to protecting the privacy of any/all visitors and users of our services. Cancer and Careers is the sole owner of any information collected on its website and through its programs. We do not sell, share or rent this information to others. Click here to read our entire Privacy Policy. If information from an application or testimonial is used in promotional materials or organization reports, Cancer and Careers will not use the first name, last name, or any other identifying information of the recipient without explicit permission from that individual.
Questions, concerns or need any financial assistance?
Contact Maddy Meislin, Senior Manager of Programs, at 646-929-8041 or mmeislin@cew.org.
Sponsors of the 2024 National Conference on Work & Cancer