Home > Collective Diary > Today I see my Surgeon Dr. Gass she is the best...
Susan R. on October 5, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Breast cancer both breast 2 different types
Employment Status:
Type and Description of Treatments:
5 months of chemo. Surgery last Friday. And waiting to see what treatment is next. Thinking Radiation.
How do you feel today?
Today I see my Surgeon Dr. Gass she is the best. To get my results from the pathologist from the lymphnode removal. And hopefully get this drain removed. And to see what my next treatment will be. So I'm nervous.
Since the diagnosis, what has changed in your life?
My life has changed a lot. I own a child care and I had to leave. But hope to return working after treatment. I have new respect for all women going through this.
What is going well for you right now?
The surgery is done now to heal my body. Wanting to get my life back.
What is not going well for you right now?
It's the not knowing if and when this cancer will return..The unknown...scary.
What has been the most challenging thing about having cancer?
Not sleeping, chemo and blood transfusions. The port was a big pain.. Thank goodness she took it out.
When difficulties overwhelm you, where do you go for support?
I would keep it in and drink..That was a bad thing. It just made it worse. So now I talk to my friends and family and the support group at the cancer center they are the best.
How have your long-term goals or life goals changed since diagnosis?
Well not sure yet..I will get back to you on that one.
What is your work arrangement right now? What are your hours?
I do some work from home on my laptop.
Since the diagnosis, what has changed in your work life?
I don't get to see the children and that's so hard. But maybe soon I can go back full time.
What has helped you continue to work the most?
My laptop.
What advice do you have for others trying to work through treatment?
Just do what you can. But taking care of yourself is most important..Don't overdo it.
How have you dealt with any side effects of treatment?
Sleep..And take the meds they work. And eat healthy foods.. And go for a walk whenever you can. Keep positive. Keep smiling.
If "today's you" could give advice to "day-of-diagnosis you," what would you say?
Read everything you can. Keep positive. Hold tight to all your friends and family you will need them more now than ever. And it's okay to cry. Oh and the hair loss is NO BIG DEAL.. I like it! My prayers are with you all. Take care, love, Susan.