Hi, I am have been on LOA for three weeks and returning back to work on 3/16. Before my diagnosis I was offered to take on a brand new store, I am a retail manager, I was introduced to General Contractor as the the new Store Manager, and my peers were informed of my new role. I was involved in the hiring and onboarding and training of employees for this new store, in which up until my last day before my surgery. I have communicated to my manager, that I would be ready to come back, with the doctors approval on the 16th. The store is scheduled to open on the 26th. However, I was informed through the rumor mill that the store was given to another Store Manager, in which I have confirmed with that manager. I feel that the actions were wrong, as I have stated numerous times before my Leave that I would be ready to take on new role, as well as after my surgery. What are my choices, if any?
1 Comment
Sarah Goodell
Dec 3, 2015
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Shannan,
Many apologies for not responding to your questions sooner. We get alerts from the website when a new post comes in and for some reason we never received one when you wrote to us and I just found your question. I'm so sorry.
How did things work out? In terms of your options legally, I would recommend reaching out to the National Cancer Legal Resource Center: http://www.nclsn.org/
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Sarah, Manager of Programs, Cancer and Careers
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