I just completed my treatments and want to get back on my feet? I want to consider working back in the corporate world, but doing something I will enjoy? where do I begin?
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Lesley H. on October 22, 2014
I just completed my treatments and want to get back on my feet? I want to consider working back in the corporate world, but doing something I will enjoy? where do I begin?
1 Comment
Bud Bilanich
Oct 22, 2014
Career Coach Comment:
I’m glad you’re feeling better and your health is improving. Here are my suggestions on restarting your career…
First, take some time to think about the kind of work you want to do. If it is the same type of work as what you were doing prior to your diagnosis, that makes things easier. If not, see this as an opportunity to make some career changes. I urge you to take your time and really think through what you want to do, like to do, and can make some money doing.
Second, do research on companies in your area. Which companies appeal to you, because of their products, their proximity to you, their benefits, their commitment to social causes. Use your own criteria for evaluating companies. Make a list of at least 10 companies where you would like to work.
Third, start working your network – personal and online. Find people who can get you connected to people in the companies in which you are interested. If you have a small personal network, get active on LinkedIn. It’s a great place to build professional contacts. Check out my LinkedIn profile to get an example of what your profile should look like. http://www.LinkedIn.com/in/budbilanich
Fourth, when you get introduced to someone in one of your target companies, arrange a time to meet or a phone call to get to know more about the company – an information interview. Tell your new contact that you would like to ask him or her about the company, what it’s like to work there, and the best way to find opportunities in the company. Don’t go to this meeting to ask for a job, go with the idea of learning as much as you can about the company.
These steps should get you positioned to seek out opportunities in your target companies and apply for them. When you learn of a position in which you’re interested, craft a specific resume highlighting why you’re the perfect candidate for that position. Remember, hiring managers spend very little time review resumes. That’s why a resume that highlights why you are a great candidate for a specific job is important.
I’ve covered a lot of ground here. I’m sure you have questions. Feel free to contact me at Bud@BudBilanich.com and I’ll do my best to answer them.
Best of luck as you go forward.
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